Quote of the Day – January 13 2012

“Come, come, whoever you are.
Wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving — it doesn’t matter,
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vow a hundred times,
Come, come again, come.”

Ah this quote I may leave alone. Somethings get diminished by discussion or interpretation, Still I will say this, no matter how badly we may have messed up, still while we live, we continue on rather than give into despair. I feel a bit overwhelmed by grace and deeply thankful for my existence. Namaste, G


Today I put up the pictures from December 2011 into the 2011 Art-gallery/. Look through it and let me know in a comment which picture was your favourite from last month and you’ll be eligible to win a print of it. Saturday Jan 14 I will be picking the winner

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Fire Dancers in the Desert by G A Rosenberg

Azure Shadow by G A Rosenberg


Quote of the Day – January 12 2012

““If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem.”
–Richard Bach

I need to remember this quote on any day I start obsessively checking my blog stats. Seriously the best art, the best writing, and the best living I have done have all come when I am doing it for myself and not playing to what i perceive people want or expect from me. An important lesson to be sure.
Each path is unique. As a friend of mine used to say “If we were exactly alike, one of us wouldn’t need to be here” Each viewpoint as well. We each need a slightly different mix of things to get us on our way. Namaste, G

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Skyward by G A Rosenberg

Wielding Energy by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 11 2012

“”The vitalized art form of storytelling will determine what lives and what dies”
–Caroline Casey

Hasn’t it always tho? The stories that persist shape both our culture and our lives. What stories do we tell about ourselves? Do we tell stories where we succeeded and were proud? Do we tell stories of people who victimized us and hurt us until we either gave up or thrived despite it? Do we tell self- depreciating tales or tales of enlightened journeying and adventures?
What stories did our families tell and enjoy? What stories did we learn at school? What resonates? These questions to me are the key ones. If I can hear a person’s stories then i am over halfway there to gaining an understanding of them and of course as a byproduct myself. Namaste, G

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Slightly-Processed Goth by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 10 2012

“Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.”
— Joseph Campbell

I fully believe that we choose to be happy. Perhaps insanely, when life gets difficult as it tends. So often I see people who choose to wallow in what goes wrong in their lives, what gives them pain and when they can’t find something recent, they jump into their past to find reasons to be sad or mad. Do they feel they don’t deserve happiness? That’s bullshit. Why would we have this capacity for joy if we weren’t meant to use it? Even the pain in our lives can be enjoyed by the witness both for the experience and as something that expands our capacity for joy. Namaste

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Reaching Out or In? by G A Rosenberg

Tempered by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 9 2012

“Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too.”
–Marcus Aurelius


When doing readings for people (usually but not always with tarot cards), I find that patterns stick out. People tend to repeat the same cycles not only in one area of their lives but across the board. Relationships with others tend to reflect one’s relationship with their environment and with their job etc. If this would be true for individuals would it be that far a stretch of the imagination to suppose it to be true for civilizations and possibly even for the human race as a whole. I believe our universe to be a holographic one. Namaste, G


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Reverie by G A Rosenberg

Stained Glass by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 8 2012

““Artists use lies to tell the truth. Yes, I created a lie. But because you believed it, you found something true about yourself.”
— Alan Moore

If you think about discovery of truth as being an ever evolving process, than what we believe at any time would be when compared to Truth (large t) would be a lie or at least an approximation. The thing about lies as most of us learn most often they don’t hold up. The more we build on the foundations of the less true, the shakier it becomes until it becomes perceptible to us…How cool when we can learn from art, story, or performance lessons that shake our perceived reality so that the upheavals become less necessary. Namaste, G

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Life Storm by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 7 2012

‎”“Sometimes you wonder, in an interconnected universe, who’s dreaming who?”
–Grant Morrison

Sometimes you know we dream each other. What we see of any other person can only be the tip of the iceberg, no matter how open or honest they may be. So we fill in the blanks, edit in traits that we find evidence of, and remove that which we find it too difficult to look at. Pretty soon, we may find a point where the dream of the other person becomes more “real” to us that we may be incredulous when they act as themselves. “You can’t do that. That is not how you are”
Namaste, G

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Pensive by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 6 2012

“No word matters. But man forgets reality and remembers words.”
― Roger Zelazny

We use our words to paint reality, not only our own but what we can of other’s worlds as well. What palette do I find available to me today? Well what subjects have come up in conversation and what depth do we find ourselves swimming in. Shallow words stay in primary colours. As we switch to weightier topics, the colours become more muted so as to not overwhelm and become garish. I may also try a finer and more subtle line making suggestions and allusions that direct rather than drag the audience. Namaste, G

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A Storm of Fish by G A Rosenberg

Fantasy Subdued by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 5 2012

“All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming ties all mankind together.”
–Jack Kerouac


The things that tie mankind together. Tonight for various reasons, I contemplate the spectrum of human emotions, the ecstasy of new love, the excitement of spiritual awakening (or is that reversed), the darkness of despair, feeling unloved or that life will always taste like like ashes mixed in with orange juice, the pain of loss, the joy of feeling found and the bliss of being when everything flows. I love the rainbow of emotion even the more difficult colours. I love how feeling them, I can relate to all others feeling the same or who have. I take pride in my humanity and in somehow reaching and understanding that of others. Namaste, G


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Flare by G A Rosenberg

Creation Play (Pele) by G A Rosenberg

Liebster Blog Award

Wow, woke up yesterday to find out that yogaleigh from bluegrass notes had given me the Liebster Blog award.  What an awesome way to bring attention to other worthwhile blogs and bloggers!!!

The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  Liebster is German (n.) and means: sweetheart, beloved person, darling.

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to his or her blog

2. Copy and paste the “Liebster Blog Award” icon into your post

3. Pass the award on to 5 of your fellow bloggers and let them know you did so

Thanks to both the givers and receivers of this award and speaking of which I get to pass it on so:

  • Future Relics Gallery — Lori Buff is an amazingly talented maker of pottery in the Atlanta, Ga area who uses  several different techniques to create her work. On the blog she discusses both her work and the creation process itself

  • Poetic 4 Existancewisefool10 is an amazing writer who consistently blows me away with both his word stylings and his spirit.

  • 101 Ways to make friends— 101 Way to Make Friends shares strategies for creating, expanding and deepening networks of support for folks with disabilities, their supporters, friends and families.

  • 365 Days of Inspiration— Daily Inspiration

  • Imagine a Circle— Amazing photography and insights from someone who continuously inspires me.

Congratulations to the winners