1 AM Questions (Redux)

So if I take off my art and my quotes and my poems
if i stand exposed before the world
and speak my truth
will anyone care?
and why should that matter?
Do I have a truth worthy of expression?
one that hasn’t been said better by others?
What is my voice?
Can I teach as well as learn?
Can I talk as well as express?

What if I step out from behind my masks
and show nothing?
where does all this fear come from?
Could it be?
that I need to be this open
to heal myself and thus heal others?

How can I counsel jumping to others
without making the leap myself?
Can I let go of fear
and being alone?
Shall this caged bird fly free?
— G A Rosenberg

Click on image to see full-size:
Meditation by G A Rosenberg

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