Quote of the Day – November 11 2012

“The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure ”
― Joseph Campbell

Funny, the first part of the heroic journey that Joseph Campbell described better than almost anyone else is the refusal of the adventure. Almost every great quest  (Star Wars, Alice, the Wizard of OZ, Aladin etc) started with the hero refusing the reality of what they were experiencing and saying no to the quest. Of course in all of the above cases, reality comes back too strongly to be denied and the no becomes a more heartfelt yes. As belief and confidence in oneself grows, it becomes more and more heartfelt… What would happen if we had that confidence in the first place? What would happen if we acted as if we did? As a friend and I used to say every night before we went out “Here’s to adventure” Here’s to knowing that we will win through and experiencing what we have to experience.  Here’s to being open to whatever comes..What a long strange trip its been and it continues
Blessings, G



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Echoes of a Distant Shore by G A Rosenberg

3 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – November 11 2012”

  1. what is it about that not accepting the quest. it does always happen that way. i know all the big adventures but not many know about “The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant.” He never wanted his power. He didn’t want to believe he would be the savior. even christ has a conflict of faith. why did he have to be the one to rescue us all from our sins. what did we do for him. i am strictly talking mythology here and joseph campbell. don’t we all have a major conflict when we start out on a major quest, no matter if it is at the levels of frodo and the ring or luke and taking down the empire. it’s hard to face your own mortality no matter in what way you are doing it. even if it is just leaving a legacy for those you love after you are gone. check out “chronicles” if you are into quests. i guaranteed you will not be able to put it down. they are mesmerizing, i wonder if joseph campbell ever read them, the author’s name is stephen r. donaldson. j.k.

    1. I love Thomas Covenant… I remember reading Lord Foul’s Bane and finding it to be quite an original take.
      Have you been reading the latest series (I guess it is four books). Quite good and puts yet another spin on what has gone before…

      1. I read the first two series of Thomas Covenant. We do have the third. My partner found them for me. She only discovered three:

        The Runes of the Earth
        Fatal Revenant
        Against All Things Ending

        Now I remember reading up to The White Gold Wielder. Both those series blew me away. I read them during breaks at an animal shelter where I worked. We didn’t have a staff room at the time so we took breaks in the activities room. Lots of noise. People and Animals. Well, when I read I would go to the Land. It was like being on an Adventure everytime I opened those pages. I will defintely have to find time to check out the third series. We have them in HardCover. Which I love the feel of. I do have my kindle which I love also. I assume you have read the complete collection then. I don’t know why I stopped at the end of the second series. Maybe there was a gap. I went through a period of not being able to concentrate well enough to read longer than an internet story. Short term memory loss. It’s a bitch. Long term no problem. I’ll let you know what I think. If you want to give me any more hints. It has been a while. thanks for info on TC. j.k.

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