Quote of the Day – December 4 2012

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on”
– Albert Einstein

Do you believe that magic exists? that spells may be woven, that things may be changed through sheer will? Well of course you do. We’ve all read of parents able to lift cars off endangered children and speed records being broken. We do the unusual every day and sometimes the miraculous just takes longer. Just think, every day, every minute we create our reality and see others creating theirs. This doesn’t mean that there is not an underlying objective reality after all the elephant exists no matter how many different parts of it we grab. But the perspective we have at any given moment and how that changes, that is miraculous. We can go from villain of the story to hero or backwards, we can become mighty or week, our mates can be the most amazing people we know or the most horrible. We create every moment we can’t help ourselves and yes it is contagious. You’re it. May I never be cured.
Blessings, G

Click on images to see full-sized

Building the Mystery

Building A Mystery by G A Rosenberg

The Empress

Tarot Trump III – The Empress by G A Rosenberg

0 thoughts on “Quote of the Day – December 4 2012”

  1. Ah Empress, desired yet unattainable anima, however I call myself Emperor or Magician. Clothed in butterfly wings her smile is radiant innocence, her heart sits like a rock before her throne and she sees through my masks with the perception of a child…

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