Name It


“To name something is to wait for it in the place you think it will pass.”
— Amiri Baraka


Name your fears
Name your hopes
Name your dreams
Name your loves and your hates
for to name something
gives you power over it.
You can call on something that has a name
You can invoke it and evoke it
Draw it out into the open
and deal with it openly.
Compare that to a nameless dread
or a feeling of hope
or a breath of love.
Naming it makes it real.
— G A Rosenberg


Click on images to see full-sized:


Penguin KeepPenguin Keep by G A Rosenberg


Floating Within the StreamFloating Within the Stream by G A Rosenberg


Wake-Up Call


“I would like to write a Book which would drive men mad, which would be like an open door leading them where they would never have consented to go, in short, a door that opens onto reality.”
― Antonin Artaud


In dreamlike existence
I move through life
seeking wakefulness
Everywhere are lullabies
temptations towards sleep
lulling me
through media melodies
into stupor
Where is the alarm
that will awaken me?
What will turn my face
towards the new day’s sun?
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Through a Keyhole to a Better ExistenceThrough a Keyhole to a Better Existence by G A Rosenberg


Whispers From the WellWhispers From the Well by G A Rosenberg




“I want a blaze of light to flame in me forever in a timeless, dear love of everything. And why should I pretend to want anything else?”
— Jack Kerouac


I light up the night
from within
as the spectrum of flame
burns within me
Different emotional resonances
blaze out from inside
allowing me to touch
the world
and be touched in return
May all that blocks me burn
leaving only pure being
my essential self
to remain.
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G

Click on images to see full-sized:


Within WheelsWithin Wheels by G A Rosenberg


A darker placeA Darker Place by G A Rosenberg


Night’s Crossroads


“The darkness is your mother; she behooves reverence, since the mother is dangerous. She has power over you, since she gave birth to you. Honor the darkness as the light, and you will illumine your darkness.”
— Carl Gustav Jung


Night moves in the crossroads
The past day meets the future at midnight
bringing the sounds of unknown danger
Shadows move and blend with our own
Somewhere in the distance
lovers moan as their dance
reaches a new height.
Hecate has her tribute
as does Artemis.
I will let go of the past
but not its lessons
and meet the future without fear
but with respect as a new moment begins
— G A Rosenberg


Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Jewelled Forest at NightJewelled Forests at Night by G A Rosenberg


Mating Rituals of Nether BeingsMating Rituals of Nether Beings by G A Rosenberg