Substantial Dreaming


“A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince


I build my house
with dreams of rock and
feet of clay
and wonder why little emerges
I once dreamed of clouds
and built towers high on illusion
and watched them shatter
I shifted then to practical things
adding brick after brick
in random patterns
the mosaic was pretty enough
but not functional
How do I mix my dream materials
with my life substance
to erect something fulfilling?
As long as I keep building
and dreaming
the hope remains strong


Blessings, G


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ConflagationConflagration by G A Rosenberg


Skewed PerspectiveSkewed Perspective by G A Rosenberg

Strange Child Dreams

“Don’t start brooding about that, too,” she says. “Everybody’s got a piece of stranger inside them. It’s what lets us surprise ourselves and keeps things interesting.”
— Charles de Lint


Stranger Self
Shadow self
Part of me left on the shelf
hidden back on the rack
behind that old paper stack
The part of me I never knew
the part of me I outgrew
so I had thought
so I was taught
tho the Dreamer has come through


When I was a kid, there were very few things I was closed off to. At night I would have visions and dreams and speak to all manner of beings. Was it in my imagination? Perhaps tho quite often the dreams would end up coming true in ways that were to surprise me.
Not all the visions were comforting ones. I dreamed my parents divorce way before it happened. Some of the dream beings I would talk to were a bit intimidating. As kids we take it all in and don’t look so much at good and bad, positive and negative as much perhaps as calming and frightening.
Still, at a certain point those visitations went away. Oh I still get some interesting answers tho the channels are not quite as clear as they once were tho clearer than they’ve been in years. Imagine tho how great it would be to open up the way we did when we were kids while keeping the experience, knowledge and wisdom we’ve gained since…
Blessings, G


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Shadow PoolShadow Pool by G A Rosenberg


Yes One Nears InfinityYes One Nears Infinity by G A Rosenberg

The Conquest of Joy


“Joy is sometimes a blessing, but it is often a conquest. Our magic moment help us to change and sends us off in search of our dreams. Yes, we are going to suffer, we will have difficult times, and we will experience many disappointments — but all of this is transitory it leaves no permanent mark. And one day we will look back with pride and faith at the journey we have taken.”
― Paulo Coelho


Imagine a time when all the scars you wear on your being fade away because you have dealt fully with all the wounds that left them. Imagine that we have found the joy in every moment that we have lived and say “Yes that too was for a reason, that too brought me here.” Imagine that we  have come to the point where we are living the best version of every dream that we have ever had for ourselves and facing everything that comes our way with an equanimity that we never knew we possessed. Perhaps this all starts with the conquest of joy. I have always known that being happy and feeling  joy was a possible decision at almost any point but perhaps when we find that decision to be the harder one to make we can conquer joy and make it anyway. I’m willing to attempt those conquests. How about you?
Walk in beauty and live in Joy.
Blessings, G


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GestationGestation by G A Rosenberg


The Routed HallsThe Halls en Route by G A Rosenberg

Show Them The Sky

“If anyone shows us the ceiling, We’ll show them sky”
— Steve Roggenbuck


Many people are all to happy to not only post their limits but show us ours as well. “If you want to get along in this world you must always act in a friendly fashion.” “Don’t bit off more than you can chew.” We end up with the best of intentions discouraging our own dreams before others can do it for us. They do it with the best of intentions. They don’t want to see us disappointed if we do not succeed in our dreams. Stay realistic we are told, dream big but not too big. Why? I would rather be hurt reaching for a dream and failing than ever limiting myself by not trying at all. Go outside look at the sky. Do you see a limit on how high you can reach? We are supposed to be limitless beings and we are. It is only when we accept ceilings that we get stuck. Don’t look at ceilings, look at the sky.
When you reach for your dreams, know what happens? You just may rise higher than you dreamed and if you fall so what? Your new floor (starting place) will be the high side of their ceilings.
Blessings, G


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StarburstStarburst by G A Rosenberg


Dragon's BreathDragon’s Breath by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – March 14 2013

“Seek what you know as the highest. It does not matter whether it is going to happen or not – living with a vision itself is a very elevating process.” ~Sadhguru


What would you do for the sake of a dream?
What is your vision?
What is the difference between living with a dream and living without one?
Some of my favourite dreamers — Don Qixote, Emperor Norton, Martin Luther King Jr, Gandhi, Florence Foster Jenkins, Nikola Tesla, the list goes on.
What is the highest vision you have?
In the best of all possible worlds, what does it look like?
What will bring you to your dream?


Wonderful Dreams Everyone
Blessings, G


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Cloud Gazing
Cloud Gazing by G A Rosenberg


Electric FlowerElectric Flower by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 16 2013

“If you are a dreamer come in
If you are a dreamer a wisher a liar
A hoper a pray-er a magic-bean-buyer
If youre a pretender come sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin
Come in!
Come in!”
― Shel Silverstein


What tales shale we share tonight? Hitchhiking tales from the road? A story about raising children? Improbable stories of things that may have happened to beings that may have existed, or possibly only in my mind? Come in and tell me about your dream life, the one you would live if everything you wanted came true or perhaps your favourite nightmare creature that you carry around with you whenever your sleep has gotten too deep? I live for your tales and your dreams and I wish to give you this power, to dream stronger and to make the dream come true. After all, didn’t most of us get our start in dreams?
Blessings, G


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What Goes On Behind the Eyes


Behind His Eyes by G A Rosenberg
Construction by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 14 2013

“We must never stop dreaming. Dreams provide nourishment for the soul, just as a meal does for the body. Many times in our lives we see our dreams shattered and our desires frustrated, but we have to continue dreaming. If we don’t, our soul dies, and agape cannot reach it.”
― Paulo Coelho


Sometimes dreams can bring up things that we never imagined. We see ourselves in a way that we never have before and new potentials arise. Other times our pasts enter into the fray and we see scenes that we revisit and gain a whole new understanding. Sometimes we’re given a vision and we wake up knowing that we have to see it through. It could be something as mundane as asking a certain person out or going to see a movie. Other times it can be something life altering where a new goal arises…that we feel compelled to see through. I’ve been lucky in that i have followed those dreams into heartbreak, into madness and occasionally into love. The most important things I’ve learned about dreams is to never run away from them…
Blessings, G


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Tarot – Strength by G A Rosenberg


Jewled Vision

Jewelled Vision by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – December 7 2012

“I live in my dreams — that’s what you sense. Other people live in dreams, but not in their own. That’s the difference.”
― Hermann Hesse, Demian


I’m comfortable here in my dreams. I know most of the beings who hang out, the fears and insecurities, the monsters under my bed i know by name and play cards with them. My hopes, they may play hide and seek but they’re here and the best wardrobe closet i can think of…. (even that pirate shirt I lost in reality)
And the people… people I’ve known or will know, people who only show up there…and yes sometimes when I am lucky or feel more lucid than others…I can actually see the road between dream and reality and step by step turn one into the other.
Blessings, G



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Expanded Awareness

Peak Experience by G A Rosenberg

Atomic PurpleAtomic Purple by G A Rosenberg