Consciousness Stream of Fear


“I know how you feel,“ I said. “You run into something you totally don’t get, and it’s scary as hell. But once you learn something about it, it gets easier to handle. Knowledge counters fear. It always has.”
— Jim Butcher


A footstep in the dark
A whisper when you are home alone
A job interview
Meeting a perspective date or friend or employer
Going home with someone
First steps into unknown places
yet fear is a portent
It signals a lesson to come
knowledge to be won
a test of the soul
becoming more whole
yet it also signals a death
an end to the person you were
before the fear was faced
and a new life for the making.
— G A Rosenberg

Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Envenomed WisdomEnvenomed Wisdom by G A Rosenberg


Fire Pit ChallengeFire Pit Challenge by G A Rosenberg


Bean Stalks and Rabbit Holes – A Consciousness Stream


“You just don’t want to push people into doing things that they really don’t want to do. I don’t think it’s going to produce much.”
— William Scott


I refuse to fear the unknown. I may ponder the unanswerable questions from different angles but I refuse to jump to paranoia. Too often I have found that basic human ignorance (I do not say stupidity because I have found too many ways in which I am stupid or at least ignorant. What is stupidity after all but ignorance we cling to unnecessarily?) accounts for much more of the problems that plague us than any kind of evil intent. I don’t mind confusion and I enjoy mystery and paradox but fear is way too itchy and I never seem to be able to wear it well. Certainty is another style that I can’t seem to pull off but then that could be seen as indulging in uncertainty which perhaps I do. I am a master at second guessing as there always seem to be more angles to look at and yes I have fun looking at them all. It might not make for fast decisions yet I have always enjoyed the kaleidoscopic crossroads view. Then again if little is certain than that makes for very many unknowns. Caves of reality that cry out to be explored. But then there are always bean stalks to climb and rabbit holes to jump down.
Ever notice something about those old fairy tale devices the bean stalk and the rabbit hole? They are lovely sexual metaphors. They are the yin and the yang and the one and the 0. Jack climbs his stalk and discovers giants while Alice falls down her hole and fights evil queens alongside Mad Hatters and Rabbits. Dorothy’s cyclone and the closet to Narnia have similar Freudian aspects to them. Says a lot for the power of sexual energy and the ways in which we explore both fantasy and existence.
So I will continue to explore and look at things my own peculiar way and through poetry art and rambles like this share my explorations with you.
Blessings, G


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Spin OutSpin Out by G A Rosenberg


Balanced in the StormBalanced in the Storm by G A Rosenberg

And So It Goes…


“Whither will my path yet lead me? This path is stupid, it goes in spirals, perhaps in circles, but whichever way it goes, I will follow it.”
— Hermann Hesse


Ghosts of old newscasters and older deceased novelists whisper to me “And so it goes”.
Statuses on Facebook reporting that most politicians are clones but they don’t say of whom or why it should matter. And so it goes.
Other voices telling me how this religion is evil and should be stopped. Of course most of the ones saying it believe that the beliefs they have are the right ones ignoring its dubious history.
And so it goes.
I hear the government is not out for the interests of its people but its own.
And so it goes
This seems to be true of most governments … and most corporations.. and most people and so it goes.
Most everything we put in or on our bodies is unhealthy for us not to mention the air we breathe and the water we drink
And so it goes.
There is a diet that will allow us to live healthier, longer and happier lives. There are a variety of opinions of what this diet is. And so it goes.
Most people seem to need to believe that they are right and everyone else is wrong. And so it goes.
Still like flowers or weeds we grow, pushing up through the cracks, surviving as long as we can the footsteps and anything else that may uproot us. We may have things stunting our growth but still we survive as long as we can and find the moments of joy and pleasure and peace we can and somehow within each of our lives there is growth despite or perhaps because of everything that comes our way.
And so it goes.
Blessings, G


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Offered ChaliceOffered Chalice by G A Rosenberg


In the FlamesIn the Flames by G A Rosenberg


Morning Surrealism (or why people shouldn’t talk to me within 10 minutes of waking up – A Surreal Consciousness Stream)


“Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision.”
― Salvador Dalí


There are mornings when my brain wakes up manic. If someone speaks to me (or texts me) I may start a babbling monologue as my brain wakes up, loosely playing off what they say but making it strange. It is the operating system booting up tho this morning I got a bit poetic…


This is control — this is control — you must believe as I do or I shall consider you unenlightened…thank you for asking. I will seek to provide an answer so that questions like yours will not be asked again. You may exit to fun Way. This is control

Find Christ – Find God – Find your HGA – Find your 7/11 — Hail Satan – Hail Eris — Heil Hitler and his little moustaches — so like granny

She liked Eva Braun too. Mrs brown you’ve got a lovely daughter sung in a German accent. I used to be Germanic-Depressive but I balanced it out.
Yes be dominant — go for what you want — stand up and be counted — tell everyone what for and what it is
Look them in the eye stand with your shoulders apart and say ‘FLErG
FLERG. That Mary poppins bitch stole the other one
You know she was a thyme lord? She went to Scarborough Fair in the Tardis; Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thymelord just to spice things up. These other dimensions take you there.
But yes take control… just leave a bit so everyone can have some…That way we can all push the button together and we have liftoff
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Moth-Haunted DreamsMoth Haunted Dreams by G A Rosenberg


Camouflaged MandrillCamouflaged Mandrill by G A Rosenberg


Morning Surrealism (or why people shouldn’t talk to me within 10 minutes of waking up – A Surreal Consciousness Stream)


“Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision.”
― Salvador Dalí


There are mornings when my brain wakes up manic. If someone speaks to me (or texts me) I may start a babbling monologue as my brain wakes up, loosely playing off what they say but making it strange. It is the operating system booting up tho this morning I got a bit poetic…


This is control — this is control — you must believe as I do or I shall consider you unenlightened…thank you for asking. I will seek to provide an answer so that questions like yours will not be asked again. You may exit to fun Way. This is control

Find Christ – Find God – Find your HGA – Find your 7/11 — Hail Satan – Hail Eris — Heil Hitler and his little moustaches — so like granny

She liked Eva Braun too. Mrs brown you’ve got a lovely daughter sung in a German accent. I used to be Germanic-Depressive but I balanced it out.
Yes be dominant — go for what you want — stand up and be counted — tell everyone what for and what it is
Look them in the eye stand with your shoulders apart and say ‘FLErG
FLERG. That Mary poppins bitch stole the other one
You know she was a thyme lord? She went to Scarborough Fair in the Tardis; Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thymelord just to spice things up. These other dimensions take you there.
But yes take control… just leave a bit so everyone can have some…That way we can all push the button together and we have liftoff
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Moth-Haunted DreamsMoth Haunted Dreams by G A Rosenberg


Camouflaged MandrillCamouflaged Mandrill by G A Rosenberg


No Escape – A Consciousness Stream


“There is no route out of the maze. The maze shifts as you move through it, because it is alive. ”
― Philip K. Dick


There is no escape from the life maze. Oh we can end our physical existence anytime we wish yet from all indications, life doesn’t stop there. Whether we find ourselves in Odin’s Halls or Gehenna or at gates of Pearl or whether we start it all again in another cycle of physicality life is still there. Even if those fundamentalist atheists are right, still our bodies nourish the ground that will yield plants and we still remain part of life. There’s no leaving the game so might as well learn to play it. There seems so many rules to it and countless variation. The rules may be broken at whim and we can always fall back into earlier games and earlier times. We can flow along the river or against the current, we can willingly sink deeper and find more control. We can enjoy the maze at will and keep on moving through it and who knows perhaps in time we will discover that we are the ones who built it in the first place.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Falling AwayFalling Away by G A Rosenberg


Smoke, Mirror and RitualDark Ritual by G A Rosenberg

Imagining Myself Anew – A Consciousness Stream


“The interior of our skulls contains a portal to infinity.”
― Grant Morrison


Opening up the mind and imagining different lives. Not so much as an escape to my own but as an addition. Who knows? In living another existence if only for the space of moments or hours, I may learn compassion. What is it like to be a single mother of three in a rough area of New York City? What challenges do I face? What is it like to be twenty-three years old and wondering and fearing what the future may be? What is the life of a housecat or a fly or a planet or a God? Can I truly picture myself inside the life of another? How real can I make it? I entertain myself by traveling from life to life and I wonder who may find themselves traveling in mine? What is the continuity of existence? Have I imagined myself to be another being or am I imagining myself to be me a good deal of the time and if so can I imagine better? How good can I make this life? In an internal universe where we could be anything why limit our dreaming or our becoming?
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Meaning, Thought and MirrorMeaning, Thought and Mirror by G A Rosenberg


MapMap by G A Rosenberg


Stretching Boundaries — A Thought Stream


“Everything has boundaries. The same holds true with thought. You shouldn’t fear boundaries, but you should not be afraid of destroying them. That’s what is most important if you want to be free: respect for and exasperation with boundaries.”
― Haruki Murakami


Pushing at boundaries, every day picking an area in my life where I can go further than I have before. I walk the dog a bit further and get more exercise. I spend a few more moments cleaning up. I start a new form of ritual or meditation or meditate a bit longer. I say hello to one more person or have a conversation with a stranger. I do something I have never done before. I read more pages or post a bit more. Perhaps I find a new way of being more honest with myself and others…I still have boundaries but I’ve expanded my capacity for life. The more we can do that the more we can do and be in both an inward and an outward sense…Oh we still have boundaries…yet to be free is to be boundless so the more those boundaries are stretched the freer we are…
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Invitation to RenewalInvitation to a Fiery Renewal by G A Rosenberg


Inside Very Complex MoleculesInside Very Complex Molecules by G A Rosenberg

Wearing (And Chewing) the Dark Scenery – A Consciousness Stream


“I can see myself before myself—
A being through dark scenery.”
― Dejan Stojanovic


We shroud ourselves in self illusion…wearing veils of protective clothing and if most of us undress at all, we do it in the dark in our sleep where our masks fall off only to be replaced as soon as daylight hits…For to see ourselves true takes work. It starts with a commitment to honesty and a willingness to catch ourselves in our own lies…accepting imperfections and knowing they need work. Continue with discipline and meditation and a desire to confront our demons and accept them as part of us. Yes part of us appears ugly, some of that ugliness has come from those who love us and others in the world. Some we have built up for protection. It’s all part of that dark scenery that we wear. Once we can accept our shadow selves and commit to honesty we need to go deeper still. How far have I gotten? Still miles to go before I stand unclothed before myself but I’m working on it.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Shaman Enchanted EveningShaman Enchanted Evening by G A Rosenberg


Sheltering Strange BirdsSheltering Strange Birds by G A Rosenberg


River Currents – A Consciousness Stream


“Eventually all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world’s great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters.

— Norman Maclean


From Mountains to Prairies and now to the banks of a river tho all along the river has flowed through washing many emotions along with it. Wounded pride and fear is in there along with love, hope and family. Currents of patience flows in and out leaving me somewhat exhausted by the tidal pull. So many things I believed I have outgrown come washing up on the banks of my inner river tho they will either decompose in the wind and sunlight or be carried further to wash up again. Positive things flow through. Love and inner knowledge and a certain wistfulness all get caught up in currents and eddys. As long as I give nothing a chance to cling it will be fine.
The river has always offered me wisdom and even now it whispers. Let it go… I am always here and will always be.. the river within and without…
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Inspired by the NightInspired by the Night by G A Rosenberg


Gemmed CrossroadsJewelled Crossroads by G A Rosenberg