Quote of the Day – June 18 2012

“If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path.”
― Joseph Campbell



Sometimes tho rarely I believe I travel in a straight line. My time on the physical journeyed from birth to death with some brightly lit highlights along the way. Other times when I think of emotional patterns or areas of concern my life takes a spiral shape with certain things being revisited with hopefully a greater grasp on them each time. Oh circular patterns fit in also.



There are times I have felt as if I’ve lost all rhyme and rhythm with certain points of trauma calling me back and calling me back sticking to my soul like fresh tar that the more I resist the more I’m stuck. More and more often now tho I see a fractal pattern to my life, motifs get repeated like musical hooks played by different instruments at different times and in different keys, providing either dissonance or harmony as needed.



As Joseph Campbell said tho, we cannot really see the path ahead of us. Who knows looking back thirty years from now, how it will look. Still the journey has been pretty strange and wonderful so far and whatever comes I am open and ready.
Blessings, G



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Multi-Dimensional Mandala by G A Rosenberg

Journey on a DNA Landscape by G A Rosenberg

Behind Her Eyes — Redux

Behind her eyes
I see the fire
Inspiration and intense heat
Cleanse my imagination
and temper my weary spirit
Burn away lost answers
to expose meaning
Burn away meanings
to expose all.

Behind her eyes
I hear water
life-giving endless oceans
accept my aching thirst
and sustain my being
to swim in her depths
is to be lost
yet to float
is to be reborn



Behind her eyes
I feel the air
Buoyant uplifting currents
teach me flight
and awaken my vision
My journey within her
is limitless
My journey without her
could not exist



Behind her eyes
I taste the earth
Beautiful succulent plants
feed my soul
and nourish my heart
I grow content
to tend her fields
I grow inspired
to transcend



Behind her eyes
I find the night
Fiery consuming suns
dissolve my being
and leave only bliss
With her I am nothing
With her I am all…

— G A Rosenberg



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Behind Her Eyes by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – June 17 2012

“Art can be worship and Service.
The Incandescent core of our soul.
A glowing God’s eye,
Infinitely aware of the beauty of creation,
Is interlocked with a network of souls,
Part of one vast group soul.”
–Alex Grey


Searching for Wisdom
I examine my soul’s depths
I come up empty


Meditation brings me
Balance and new awareness
A flower opens


An end to searching
The universe lives and breaths
within my vision


Birds fly overhead
universe breathes within them
I am not alone


A bit of Haiku structure for a night when I need my being jogged. It seems to be for me anyway more of a weekend of being rather than communication. Words seem to be coaxed out only by rhythm tho awareness seems high.
Blessings, G

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Look at that Bodhi by G A Rosenberg

A Flight of Fractal Birds by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – June 16 2012

“Normally, we do not so much look at things as overlook them.”
–Zen quote by Alan Watts

Fishing in a Zen garden. I feel comfortable with the metaphor. Our witness sitting with its fishing pole allowing whatever we do or see to flow past knowing that what will land on the hook is what is needed for growth, for balance and for evolution.


So often, I put such importance on my day to day stuff. I worry about how something may or may not turn out either through my effort or lack of it. So much matters. Since it matters, it weighs down each moment and I forget that the matter has accrued in this here and now. In the here and now one week in the future, things that matter now will matter a whole lot less and five years from now probably won’t matter at all.

The fisherman still sits at his fishing hole fishing. Whatever comes by will. If it jumps on his line then it does. The witness smiles…

Blessings, G

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Fishing in a Zen Garden by G A Rosenberg

Amethyst by G A Rosenberg

Johnny Wisdomseed (Redux)

Long have I wandered
with this sack of seeds
gathered over lifetimes
Longer still shall I continue
searching for fertile ground
in which to plant.
Occasionally I stop to
entertain a questioning mind
or overturn a cherished notion
that has run its course
I joke, I challenge, I plant a seed
staying just long enough
to see it take root.



Other times I cast seeds to the wind,
A poem left in a bar
A  Chalk picture on sidewalk
A story written in spiderwebs
or interwebs
With each of these
I send a prayer
that they will land
and spread and grow
providing sustenance for many



Not every seed will thrive
nor every thought take hold
neither life nor wisdom provide that certainty
nor is every seed viable



Still I travel
with song and with seed
until I stop.
When that day comes
scatter me on the wind
Another idea
floating on the breeze
–G A Rosenberg


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A Different Paradigm by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – June 15 2012

“Would you rather live your life according to the approval of others or aligned with your truth and your dreams?”
― Robin S. Sharma

Absolute answers
require a sacrifice
I’d rather not make


Can you live just a piece of your truth?


Is it possible to live all of it all full time without compromise? I know that truth is addictive. It is a habit  I’ve been getting into.  Turning  my world on its ear or perhaps just setting it right..


Can I handle the 100% full-time unvarnished direct living of truth?
How can I not?


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Wishing by G A Rosenberg

Rings Around Rose by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – June 14 2012

“”May I be the doctor and the medicine
And may I be the nurse
For all sick beings in the world
Until everyone is healed.

May a rain of food and drink descend
To clear away the pain of thirst and hunger
And during the aeon of famine
May I myself change into food and drink.

May I become an inexhaustible treasure
For those who are poor and destitute;
May I turn into all things they could need
And may these be placed close beside them.

Shantideva, A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life
(from Alex Grey’s Sacred Mirrors)


The beauty of the above needs no additional comment. Just some time to sink in and wear it.

This past few days a combination of sinus hassles, astrological aspects of which I understand there are several going around, and general time of the season has made me more reflective and less outgoing than I usually am. I seem to be in what a friend of mine who did intuitive readings call a holding pattern but really means there’s more going on internally than externally. Amazing the feelings that have been coming out tho almost all directed internally or at wildly abstract forces. As long as I let them flow through I’ll be fine. Well, I’ll be fine anyway it will just be less painful if I ask myself “Who is it that is feeling this?” “Who is it that thinks these thoughts?” The witness always knows and answers with a silent smile. The shadow also knows…but he delights in not telling…
Blessings, G

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Cosmic Slalom by G A Rosenberg

Four of Disks – Redux

Power contained not held
not grasped
willing to let it pour forth
and rise up and out at any moment
All comes from this moment
once embedded in matter then
only liberation remains
power when wielded becomes force
Rise up oh serpent mother
through this material form
as green springs up through snow
Let the spirit flow forth
from fractured shell

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Four of Pentacles by G A Rosenberg