Living As Our Purpose


“Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny–he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed. You are not here accidentally–you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you.”
― Osho


Why am I here? What can I contribute that none else can? What is the me-ness of me that I embody and how can I best fulfill that? Osho’s quote reminds me of many others all of which boil down to finding and being who we are. Is this something that takes effort or does it just happen? What part of ourselves do we wish to be? My suspicion is that the more of ourselves we express, the more we have fulfilled our purpose. Tho ultimately I like Richard Bach’s take on it. “Here is a test to find out if your mission on earth is finished, if you’re alive it’s not.” Our lives do have meaning and we all matter. This is one of the concepts that keep me going.
Blessings, G


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AA040780Missing It For the World by G A Rosenberg


Lapis MandalaLapis Mandala by G A Rosenberg

The Myth of Science and the Science of Myth… A Thought Stream

“I wanted to scientize myth and mythologize science.”



Scientific Myth… walking along the shadows and legends within our psyches… seeking commonalities of dreams and nightmares and finding them… the clothes of the deities change, the outward forms that can be described but the functions amazingly similar..the trickster, the teacher, the dark mother, War Gods and Death Gods abound as do 3s and 7s… patterns described and flowing…
Mythological Science… Song of the Living Dead Cat as we surf Schrödinger’s wave… Dogs that salivate and things that are two things at once… you can know what you are or where you’re going but not both…as the genetic code unravels… fundamental building blocks that can be analogized to the deities…
Science and Myth combine in new ways daily… as do new ways of understanding each through the other’s lens.
Blessings, G


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Talismanic SunriseTalismanic Sunrise by G A Rosenberg


Purple StormPurple Storm by G A Rosenberg

Grateful for the Life


At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.
–Albert Schweitzer


I have many reservations about the Thanksgiving holiday. Oh I believe gratitude to be a necessary part of life. If we can’t appreciate what we have then whatever comes our way will be something we won’t appreciate. Part of my hesitation is that we have a special day put aside as if to say “Let’s get all this gratitude stuff over with so we can get on with things.” What’s more many of us do it in the company of those with whom we have the greatest degree of awkwardness.
I also am not comfortable with the alterations of history. Happy natives serving the settlers their holiday dinner. Ever notice not many First Nations people celebrate this holiday.
I do love both the intention and action of gratitude tho. I have been given a lot of wonderful things in my life. I have wonderful people to share it with and a pretty great family. I love what I do and I have enough challenges to keep it interesting. I have been given talent and ways of using those talents and people who appreciate them. I have love and time for love and a burning curiosity to see what happens next. For all of this I am grateful.
What are you most thankful for in your life?
Blessings, G


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It's Your Turn to Feed the DogIt’s Your Turn to Feed the Dog by G A Rosenberg


VelocityVelocity by G A Rosenberg


Wishing all those who celebrate a happy Hanukah:


It's All About the Light

Tools For Change


“If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don’t bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking.”
― Richard Buckminster Fuller


I would like a new pair of glasses. Ones that will make what now seems crucial and important seem trivial and trivial things vital. In this way I will learn that what we deem important is relative. Time tends to do this anyway. How many things that seemed urgent to you on a particular day and time five years ago affect your present life at all. These glasses tho would serve as instant time and lend a new perspective…
While we’re at new tools for thinking, how about foot ware that show what its truly like to walk in any given person’s shoes for an hour or two and truly show life from their perspective…How about a ring that would show what true love and commitment felt like so that it would never be confused with anything else?
What would it be like if we each lived our lives as if these tools were real?
Blessings, G


This is my 2000th post on Waking Spirals. Keeping this blog and sharing my art, poetry and observations with all of you has been truly rewarding. Thanks for the amazing feedback. Many Blessings indeed


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With Eyes Like Galaxies She whispers My NameWith Eyes Like Galaxies She Whispers My Name by G A Rosenberg


A Crystal that Will Reveal DreamsA Crystal that Will Reveal Dreams by G A Rosenberg

Persisting Through Time….


“It’s a funny word, persistence. It means not giving up, but it also means just passing on through time.”
― Questlove, Mo’ Meta Blues: The World According to Questlove


There are times when I feel down. Oh I’m good at rationalizing things and normally I can keep it upbeat but some days just suck and I find new ways in which I fall short of my own ideals. I fantasize about throwing in the towel, throwing out the baby with the bath water and escaping tho I know the fallacy there. Each moment is a chance to start again but all unfinished business comes back until it is handled. Call it my own variation on Heinlein’s law that “There Ain’t No Such Thing as A Free Lunch.”
Luckily all fantasizing about escaping aside, I know that I can find words and stories about what ails me that will help bring perspective. To some extent, this is how my quotes of the day started. Therefore tonight I started looking up quotes about persistence. I found some good ones and then went on Facebook. I was overwhelmed to see how many stories and statuses tonight shared by random Facebook friends had to do with precisely that topic. Of Persisting. Of falling down, laughing about it and getting up again, about failing and still continuing… about passing on continuing in time. It was nice after a rather difficult day to feel that I am not alone and that others get it too. It makes laughing and getting up again that much easier.
Blessings, G


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Shared PerspectiveShared Perspective by G A Rosenberg


Spun offSpun Off by G A Rosenberg

Rubbing the Blue Mud of Choice


“The first and most important thing an individual can do is to become an individual again, decontrol himself, train himself as to what is going on and win back as much independent ground for himself as possible”
― William S. Burroughs


Listen, do you hear them? Can you hear those well-meaning voices telling you how you should do what you’re doing or not to do it at all or perhaps what you should be doing instead? After all don’t you want to fit in? Don’t you want the acceptance of others? I once worked with a woman who told me that she believed that whatever society deemed proper she would do. If everybody rubbed blue mud in their navels, then she would to. I didn’t appreciate at the time the ironically unique illustration for her philosophy that she chose. Instead her lectures on propriety made me dress and act even more outré or at least as much as I could get away with without losing my job. Gradually I came to realize that if everything I did was an act of rebellion than nothing was. Rather than being an individual I was an anti-robot reacting against conformity and thus conforming to its opposite. Being an individual means considering everything and choosing what reflects myself regardless of how society sees it.
Blessings, G


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Only an Ass Would ChooseOnly an Ass Would Choose by G A Rosenberg


Undergrowth designUndergrowth Design by G A Rosenberg

Finding the Story and Bringing it Home


“It’s a funny thing about stories. It doesn’t feel like you make them up, more like you find them. You type and type and you know you haven’t got it yet, because somewhere out there, there’s that perfect thing — the unexpected ending that was always going to happen. That place you’ve always been heading for, but never expected to go.”
— The Doctor (Steven Moffat)


I went searching for my story. It seemed everyone else had one but mine had little plot and less action. I’ve had adventures but is it truly a story? Does the plot hang together? Are the characters believable? The one thing I can tell you from first hand experience is to doubt the reliability of the narrator. But that’s ok he doubts himself at times.
That being said tho it seems that my story does improve as I go, the setbacks seeming more minor, the everyday brighter and brighter.I know there’s quite a bit of story before I come to the end of my page.
Blessings, G


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BenedictusBenedictus by G A Rosenberg


FocusedFocused by G A Rosenberg

Unfold Your Own Myth


“Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.”
― Rumi, Essential Rumi


What is your heroic tale? When times feel dark and it feels like endless night ahead, what stories of past success do you carry to help you through to dawn? We all have them. Sometimes they work in reverse and we use a loser myth to steal away our sun but why choose that? I use to use my failure myth all the time to keep me frozen in place and not to accomplish. Funny thing tho. Most of my times of failure have been followed by times of joy and or accomplishment. It is hard to see the wheel turn without believing that circumstances never stay the same and to enjoy the balance. Overall, thanks to many lovely people and my own effort, I have seen more of the good stuff than otherwise. Part of the power of the dark times is that like any bad trip, it feels like it will last forever. Once you let go of that it becomes a lot easier. That’s my myth and I’m sticking to it.
Blessings, G


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Campfire RevelsCampfire Revels by G A Rosenberg


Soul SeedSoul Seed by G A Rosenberg