Random Thoughts, Images and a Bit of Card Play

“People think that talking is a sign of thinking. It isn’t, for the most part’ on the contrary, it’s a mechanical dodge of the body to relieve oneself of the strain of thinking, just as exercising the muscles helps the body to become temporarily unconscious of its weight, its pain, its weariness, and the foreknowledge of its doom.”
― Aleister Crowley


When strangeness beckons
I continue on my way
My purpose is strong.


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IntentIntent by G A Rosenberg


I was asked by a friend tonight about the difference between the Chariot trump and the Temperance trump in the tarot.

The Chariot in the Tarot refers to control of the externals among other things where Temperance is more of a matter of Balance
so if you want it in nice simple terms Control vs Balance
THo if you place the cards in the manner of contemplation suggested by both Pollack and DuQuette of 3 rows of Seven underneath the Fool then what you end up with is that Temperance is a higher octave of The Chariot

if you think of the first row as conscious
the second as subconscious
the third as superconscious (just one of many different ways to contemplate the cards) then the Chariot reflects external conscious balance and control while Temperance would mean that balance on an internal level (the qualities of oneself vs the qualities of one’s life) if you would
To put it in simple terms… what is the chariot driver doing on the card? What is the Temperance Angel doing? There is a vital difference there
The next octave up would be the World or the Universe
so Control, Balance, Integration
Taking the three cards right before those three, The Lovers Death and Judgement yield further insight.
Consider for short hand meanings in this context,Love, Death and Resurrection
or if you will, Recognition, Transformation, Resurrection
if you want more of an explanation… then Lovers is the first recognition of one’s shadow or other… Death is the ego death when we realize that we can’t exist without our shadow and Judgement is the call to integration that is realized in the World
if you want to storyline it a bit because its rather cool… then in the Lovers we recognize the other, our first instinct is to control it The Chariot
after we’ve gone through the stages of the second row… we realize that we need to transform which leads to us starting to experience different parts of our shadow… (Temperance)
after we’ve gone through Chapel Perlious then we are called (Judgement) tp integrate fully The World.


I realize that this blog entry is a bit more chaotic then most. Chalk it down to a combination of dancing with the flu,computer problems, a tarot conversation that helped me expand my own insight that I wanted to share and just because. As always, I hope some enjoyment was found in it.
Blessings, G

Porthole View onto A New UniversePortal View onto A New Universe by G A Rosenberg

Plain Depth


“One should use common words to say uncommon things”
― Arthur Schopenhauer


I find myself of late having little patience with jargon. Don’t get me wrong, when speaking of technical things with others in your area of expertise then use what words you have available. However if you wish to communicate then use language that everyone present understands. Far too often I hear people using terms that only those ‘in the know’ can understand. What they communicate is not so much information about whatever subject they are discussing as information abou the way they see themselves. Which may be fascinating if that is the topic at hand but rarely is.
It is possible to convey the deepest of thoughts with the simplest of words. “Who is the Master who makes the grass green?”, “Light acts like a particle and a wave at the same time”,”Shared joy is increased, shared pain lessened.” Albert Einstein said famously “If you can’t explain it to a six year old, then you don’t understand it yourself” Yet, still in every field of endeavour you find people using the vocabulary of their field in order to hid rather than illuminate. Of these bricks, babel is made.
Blessings, G


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The ShaperThe Shaper by G A Rosenberg


Propagation of a MemePropagation in a Strange Medium by G A Rosenberg

The HeArt Connection

“If you want to write, if you want to create, you must be the most sublime fool that God ever turned out and sent rambling. You must write every single day of your life. You must read dreadful dumb books and glorious books, and let them wrestle in beautiful fights inside your head, vulgar one moment, brilliant the next. You must lurk in libraries and climb the stacks like ladders to sniff books like perfumes and wear books like hats upon your crazy heads. I wish you a wrestling match with your Creative Muse that will last a lifetime. I wish craziness and foolishness and madness upon you. May you live with hysteria, and out of it make fine stories — science fiction or otherwise. Which finally means, may you be in love every day for the next 20,000 days. And out of that love, remake a world.”
― Ray Bradbury


Art involves folly and perhaps a bit of hubris. To believe that you can bring a feeling or a knowing to others through an image, a story or song lyrics takes guts. Yet for those who create and that includes everyone in one way or another, it is what we attempt to do. What are the very words we speak but symbols we string together to convey meaning. Through exposing ourselves to how others have communicated in these ways in the past and even more importantly developing clarity and compassion, we can learn to connect better with others. Art can touch us in ways that mere spoken words cannot. Through story, song and image we touch not only the minds but the hearts of others.
Blessings, G


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Cosmic Key and LockCosmic Key and Lock by G A Rosenberg


ConvergenceConvergence by G A Rosenberg

Of Stories Told and Untold….

“The unread story is not a story; it is little black marks on wood pulp. The reader, reading it, makes it live: a live thing, a story.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin


If a story exists but is not communicated does it still hold meaning? Each of us live our stories every day and yet if there is no expression of self in our lives, no way in which we communicate our story than what meaning is gained by it? To me, each tale I hear communicated, each life in which I somehow share whether by talking with people or experiencing their art, music, writing enriches not only me but spreads out in ripples with everything I share. For to experience someone else’s story is to make it part of our own story and part of our being. This in turn even if it is not on a conscious level gets communicated by me in my own art, writing and speech. Perhaps it will only be a turn of phrase, perhaps a colouration of mood yet my expression becomes touched by everything that has touched me. We live in a web of interconnection. With the internet our stories become spread even wider and more pervasive to the point that we tangentially touch almost every other story in the world.If we have but the perspective to appreciate it.
Blessings, G


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By the Moon's LightMoonlit by G A Rosenberg


FirefallFirefall by G A Rosenberg

Having words


All my life I’ve looked at words as though I were seeing them for the first time.”
― Ernest Hemingway


It seems I’ve been writing quite a bit lately on the subject of map making. What is a map after all but a symbolic representation that tells us where we are.  What then are words? Don’t we use words as a symbolic representation to describe where we are as well?
We abuse words even more than we abuse other mapping tools. One of the largest ways in which we abuse words is by assuming that everybody who we speak to uses the same meaning for each word that we do even when the evidence starts racking up that this is simply not the case. I have seen so many arguments that derived from people using the same word or words yet they both seemed to come from separate dictionaries. At least a few times when I’ve pointed this out to people rather than focus on establishing a common meaning for the term so that debate or discourse was even possible, the people involved focused on who was using the word ‘more correctly’ Being right had become more important than communication.
Still despite this problem, many people do communicate. Sometimes it is just with a hand offered or a smile exchanged but nothing is more beautiful than the sound of two people conversing in harmony.
Blessings, G


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Guarded IdyllGuarded Idyll by G A Rosenberg


SpikedSpiked by G A Rosenberg

Listen Completely

“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.”
― Ernest Hemingway


Tonight I had reason to think and write out a few principles of what listening to someone means to me and I thought it would make a decent posting.

Debate rather than dialogue… do we debate each other or do we champion the debate of ideas… thesis and antithesis bringing us to a synthesis..which becomes in turn a new synthesis…

Do we identify so much with our beliefs and hold so rigidly to them that we are unable to separate an attack on something we think from an attack on our being?if greater understanding is not our goal, than why are we here? This definition  of  debate as between people rather than ideas, an important distinction and tends to be a misapprehension fostered by American politics,

What if when  we listen to each other and to ourselves, and we hear something that causes an emotional reaction, we look at why rather than assume ill intention or incorrectness on the other persons part? Can we learn to listen  not just to words but to intent.What if the meat of the issue involves looking at your own reaction to what someone is saying? Listen to the space between their words and their phrasing. Do you listen to answer or do you listen to understand?
I know I would rather be incorrect and gain new insight and growth rather than be right and grow stagnant in my correctness.


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Valhalla AwaitsValhalla Awaits by G A Rosenberg


Purple SparksPurple Sparks by G A Rosenberg



Obscurity, the Refuge of Incompetence

“It’s up to the artist to use language that can be understood, not hide it in some private code. Most of these jokers don’t even want to use language you and I know or can learn . . . they would rather sneer at us and be smug, because we ‘fail’ to see what they are driving at. If indeed they are driving at anything–obscurity is usually the refuge of incompetence.”
― Robert A. Heinlein


Is the purpose of language communication? I believe most of us would agree that it is. I wonder at times what it is that we seek to communicate. Do we mean exactly what our words say or do we carry another message? Do we use simple language that conveys simple meaning no matter how complex the idea. I mean “I love you” is a simple phrase yet it is one that can mean anything from “I’m glad you’re here” to “Do as I say” to “I need you to love me” and about 150 others. How often when two people speak does it seem as if despite the fact they use the same words, they are speaking two totally different languages. What’s worse is that they realize that communication isn’t taking place and are so busy blaming the other one that they don’t even realize this fact.
I have come to the conclusion that what we say always communicates something even if that something is “I have no intention of communicating with you. I will hold tight to the language I am using even tho you seem to have a problem understanding it. Then I will blame you for not understanding me. If I am not understanding what you say I will tell you that the problem lies with you.” Wouldn’t it be easier at times to drop the pretense and not claim communication in the first place? It would be more honest anyway.
Quite often experts in a given field will talk to laymen in the jargon of their field and claim they are communicating clearly. Tho this happens most often with doctors and lawyers and academics, I have also seen it done by philosophers and subscribers to spirituality. Jargon is their membership badge and rather than compare maps with others to the benefit of both, they use language to exclude,. “If you were one of us, you would get what I’m saying but oh so sorry you’re not”
Thus we go on building our towers of words and wonder when they crash to the ground under the weight of their own verbiage.
Blessings, G


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Multi-FitFitness of Mind and Spirit by  G A Rosenberg


CommunionCommunion by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – March 18 2013

“A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. For millions of years, human beings have been part of one tribe or another. A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate.”
― Seth Godin


It’s the communication part that tends to be the trickiest in my opinion.

We throw words, syllables at each other
expressing meaning, conveying emotions,
motion, pouring lotion on troubled water
tho sometimes fanning the flames
conflating the conflict is more our aim
try to explain
and make it worse
non rehearsed we speak
not from the heart but from the belly
fear not love
yet we can reverse that
show the feelings we have
resolve to solve
rather than
fight to right…
integrate and synthesize
realize our ‘real eyes’ and not our lies
— G A Rosenberg



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JeweledJewelled by G A Rosenberg


In Some Ways It Resembles A Map
In Some Ways It Resembled a Map by G A Rosenberg



Quote of the Day – October 31 2012

“If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is – infinite.”
― William Blake


What a gift it would be to be able to see things that clearly. An even greater gift would be to be able to convey that infinite vision in such a way that everyone could see it too. Kind of like the late great jazz poet Lord Buckley’s poem about Jesus the Nazz  who ‘ had them pretty eyes.
He wanted everybody to see with pretty eyes and see how pretty it was.’ I used to believe my main quest  in life was understanding and now I realize that that is at best half of it. What good is understanding if you have no way to convey it, no way to use it to help people. It would be an empty insight indeed that stayed up locked up inside one man’s head. Therefore, I wish not only to have ‘pretty eyes’, the kind that sees beauty and finds understanding but I want to grant others the gift of pretty eyes as well.

Blessings, G


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Wildfire by G A Rosenberg



Golden Web by G A Rosenberg


Wildfire 2 by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – September 17 2012

“Don’t use the phone. People are never ready to answer it. Use poetry.”
― Jack Kerouac


Paint an image on my mind
with your words
sketch landscapes, red with passion
with cool blue water running through it
show a bird swooping down
catching a fish
and feel the fish
gasping as its torn apart in the eagle’s mouth
Communicate feeling with rhythm
ties and cries, no lie defies
you touch my soul, can I be whole
Conversation will never touch this
my lines to you, my heart’s wish
Still we speak and hit the wall
we talk but at not to each other
you walk away, i walk
then in the morning hand you my poem
and perhaps you’ll understand


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Lesson by G A Rosenberg


Geode Mandala by G A Rosenberg