Madness Spark


“You’re only given one little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.”
–Robin Williams


Sad clown
infused with divine madness
when did your journey start?
You gave the gift of laughter
and then it vanished
When pain came
you held my heart
and helped smile it away
Funny men understand pain
they feel so deeply
Now you’ve journeyed beyond
to other lives and hearts
leaving remembered laughs in your wake
and gratitude.
— G A Rosenberg


I will hold on to my spark of madness and share it for that is where my art comes from and I will seize each day in the best way I can


RIP Robin Williams. Thank you for performances that generally touched me. Dead Poets Society and The Fisher King remain two of my favourite movies of all time. You had a genuine understanding of how laughter and tears intertwine. That knowledge comes at a price. May your journey forward be a joyous one.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Surveying the WreckageSurveying the Wreckage by G A Rosenberg


Another Unbidden LandscapeAnother Unbidden Landscape by G A Rosenberg


Mythic Vocabulary


“A mythological order is a system of images that gives consciousness a sense of meaning in existence, which, my dear friend, has no meaning––it simply is. But the mind goes asking for meanings; it can’t play unless it knows (or makes up) the rules. Mythologies present games to play: how to make believe you’re doing thus and so. Ultimately, through the game, you experience that positive thing which is the experience of being-in-being, of living meaningfully. That’s the first function of a mythology, to evoke in the individual a sense of grateful affirmative awe before the monstrous mystery that is existence.”
— Joseph Campbell


Mythology gives us a language. We hold these archetypes in our heads and dream of them. We imagine kingdoms won and lost and the spirit power behind all natural and unnatural phenomenon personified and named. If we can give these form and tell true stories about them than we have gone a long way towards the visceral understanding of deep truths. Myths and stories provide the vocabulary to express truth. Of course what we do with the truth and where it takes us is up to us.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


A New Place I VisitA New Place I Visit by G A Rosenberg


In Strange TunnelsIn Strange Tunnels I Travel by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Strength (Lust)


XI – Strengt / Lust (♌︎)

Strength Strength by G A Rosenberg


Surrender the struggle
to her passionate embrace
Strength found through release.


Give forth to every yearning
real and imagined
Let yourself go into ecstasy
Ride the Lion with Seven heads
with Bare abandon
Know me through pleasure
Yearn for satiation
yet care less to find it
Abandon yourself to all forms of debauch
and know me there

Drink deep from my grail
and loose yourself
beyond all reasoning.
Let me be whore and mistress
and giver of delight
for in passion’s heights I am found by all
in surrender to every desire
you will drink of my cup
and know madness
and union with my mysteries

True Strength comes not from repression
but through knowledge of the beast within
free yourself in my cup of pleasure .
— G A Rosenberg


What does it mean to master the inner self? Does it mean that we clamp down on our every wayward thought, habit and desire? I have met many people like that and they tend to resemble time bombs or pressure valves that will one day lead to a disastrous explosion. We cannot find that kind of inner control by repression. For one thing, it becomes way too easy to lose sight of that which we are suppressing in the first place and where our hungers lie.
True Strength comes from letting our feelings and hungers out and examining them in a loving and compassionate way. It means finding places and situations where we may do this safely. By giving reign to these passions, we learn to name them and work with them and use them. Our wants, desires and wounds that need to be healed are seldom the problem. It is the way we treat them that tends to make them into uncontrollable demons that terrify us. It takes strength and courage to face our demons and find that they may become our greatest allies.
In his Thoth deck Aleister Crowley calls this card Lust. Many people are afraid of the strengths of their lusts. They want or need things that they feel they have to keep secret and lose sight of why and how they lust. The satisfaction of our desires can lead to union with an ecstatic union with our inner selves if we allow them to. There are always ways to do this that do not involve harming others or ourself. In this way we come to wisdom and a greater self-confidence and mastery than any we have known before.

Astrological Correspondence-Leo(♌︎)-The Leo energy has immense self of itself and its power. It is as enthusiastic and courageous as its symbol the Lion. It is ruled by the sun and takes its pride of place in leadership and holds it through its sense of dignity and honour. The Leo energy is great for friendship but needs to know it has control. It likes to have the spotlight and can be very dramatic. Leo has an immense capacity for enjoyment of life in all of its forms but wants to both make it fun for everyone and wants everyone to know that it comes from its largesse. Leo is amazing at group dynamics especially when it is at the head of the pack. Leo is an innovative energy and dislikes few things as much as routine.


Runic Correspondence-Uruz(“Aurochs”)uruzUruz is the rune of sexuality and health. It is associated with the wild boar or aurochs. Uruz is unrestrained health, strength and energy and there is very little repressed about it. While the force of the rune may seem threatening, it offers an opportunity if one flows with it and learns to master the force through learning its ways. This is the rune of the warrior and also of the wanton. Other runes attributed to Strength are Wunjo and Sowilho


Path on the Tree of Life 19-Teth-The meaning of Teth is Serpent. It is known as the intelligence of the secrets of spiritual activity. It represents both control of wild animals and discourse with spiritual beings. Since the serpent is the serpent of wisdom, it does not represent a control of the control but rather control of the heart. It connects the sephiroth of Chesed (grace or mercy) and Geburah (Strength or Severity). It takes the devotion of Chesed to harness the strength of Geburah, a willingness to understand the wildness within rather than to try to surpress or repress it. Teth’s number is 9 and represents the feminine energy of the triple goddess.


When the Strength card turns up in a reading, it may indicate that it is in a time when we feel that the querent has things under control. Things that have been stressful have been mastered and the querent has confidence in their ability to deal with anything that may come up. The card may also indicate that there have been inner struggles that have been resolved not through brute force or through repression but with compassion towards themselves and others. Perhaps the querent is undergoing some form of inner test where they are attempting to master either an addiction or some perceived weakness. The Strength card could be leading them towards the hunger that the weakness is feeding and show that they have it within themselves to satiate the hunger without the addictive behaviour. This leads to true mastery of the situation rather than repression. If this is a present struggle than the querent can be assured that this mastery will come in time and that they will find the inner strength they need.The Strength card can also indicate that the querent needs to present a stronger more self assured face to the world.


Inversed the Strength card may show that the querent feels week and that they can no longer continue the struggle. They may feel like they are the victims of their inner demons and lack confidence. It may indicate addictive behaviour that has been triggered in some way or it may represent a long term struggle. The Strength card reversed may indicate that they are in a relationship that is destructive and where the passion is out of control in a negative sense. The querent may need to be reminded of struggles they have overcome in the past and mastered and need to be more compassionate towards themselves.


The Loyal Opposition


“Balance every thought with its opposition because the marriage of them is the destruction of illusion”
— Aleister Crowley


Neils Bohr said the opposite of a fact is a falsehood but the opposite of a profound truth is another profound truth. R Buckminster Fuller said that the universe can only be apprehended asynchronously. In other words there is no way that we can understand the complete universe at any one time. Therefore at any given time we can only have a partial understanding of the truth. How then do we go about getting closer to the truth. The way that Aleister Crowley suggests above is a good one.
Testing what we think and believe with their opposite is extremely useful tho for some people challenging. Many of us identify so strongly with our thoughts and beliefs that when they are challenged by someone, we take it as being a challenge to our very being itself. Instead we should welcome it and yes, challenge ourselves. If we are correct, than the opposing view will obviously fall apart. If we are mistaken than the opposite thought will enlighten us. Far more often tho, the truth lies somewhere in between and it is by synthesizing the two that we can reach a higher understanding. Of course than occurring to Hegel, we should then look at the opposite of our synthesized view and keep on going until we reach a total breakthrough beyond thought.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Sky Dragon (Re)Sky Dragon (Redux) by G A Rosenberg


Hanging Out in the Garden AgainHanging Out in the Garden Again by G A Rosenberg


Wearing (And Chewing) the Dark Scenery – A Consciousness Stream


“I can see myself before myself—
A being through dark scenery.”
― Dejan Stojanovic


We shroud ourselves in self illusion…wearing veils of protective clothing and if most of us undress at all, we do it in the dark in our sleep where our masks fall off only to be replaced as soon as daylight hits…For to see ourselves true takes work. It starts with a commitment to honesty and a willingness to catch ourselves in our own lies…accepting imperfections and knowing they need work. Continue with discipline and meditation and a desire to confront our demons and accept them as part of us. Yes part of us appears ugly, some of that ugliness has come from those who love us and others in the world. Some we have built up for protection. It’s all part of that dark scenery that we wear. Once we can accept our shadow selves and commit to honesty we need to go deeper still. How far have I gotten? Still miles to go before I stand unclothed before myself but I’m working on it.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


Shaman Enchanted EveningShaman Enchanted Evening by G A Rosenberg


Sheltering Strange BirdsSheltering Strange Birds by G A Rosenberg


Tarot Post – Wheel of Fortune


X-Wheel of Fortune(♃)


Wheel of Fortune Wheel of Fortune by G A Rosenberg


“Spin the wheel!” she cried
As it turned, so did my life
good to bad and back


Reaching inside
yet barely breaking through the surface
so much more to see
so much more to be.
The journey takes lifetimes
and the wheel stays in spin.
The king falls and rises.
The queen nourishes
and the dæmon has his dance.
I’ve been him too
I ride the wheel
and turn it
I explore the nature
and the nurture.
The soul behind the curtain
watches, witnessing all
in love,
curious as the spiral spins anew.
— G A Rosenberg


There are many cliches about the cyclic nature of life. How season follows season and how what goes around comes around. One day we are on top of the world with a great job and relationship and the next this has all disappeared. These expressions like all cliches have a good deal of truth to them. Action follows consequence (and sometimes vice versa). Shiva continues his dance and the cycles continue. This is the lesson of Fortune’s Wheel.
Life is always in motion. Everywhere we look things move in a cyclic way. Whether it be our own biorhythmic cycles, seasonal changes, political changes (the rise and fall of countries and kingdoms) nothing stops. We need to accept that our lives work in a similarly cyclic way and try to gain perspective from outside the wheels that we find ourselves on. Otherwise too often it may feel like we are hamsters forever on the wheel subject to blind instinct and blind fate.
It is difficult at times to perceive our own responsibility in the constant spinning. It is our hands that often keep the wheel in motion and our actions or lack thereof that may determine the consequences.


Astrological Correspondence-Jupiter (♃)– Jupiter guides our fortune and the areas in which we can be the most successful. It’s energies point to the areas of interest that makes our hearts sing. The Area of our charts that Jupiter is in can be a strong indicator of what we wish to learn more about and what will lift us up the most in our lives.
Jupiter encourages us to think deeply about our lives and to see where our strengths are. It helps us to determine what our personal philosophy and spirituality is. Jupiter is the force that encourages us to question deeply and to search for answers. It is an optimistic force that encourages our growth, expansion and sense of adventure and play. Jupiter encourages us to experiment with ways of expanding our consciousness either chemically or with techniques such as yoga, tantra or other forms of ritual. At its worst Jupiter can lead us to over-indulgence.It is at times associated with weight gain.


Runic Correspondence-Jera(“Year”)jera-100x100Jera is the rune of cycles and harvest. It denotes the realization of cycles in our life, in our year and in that of life itself. We eat life from the earth and our bodies in turn feed the earth which nourishes new life. We plant seed and harvest in its turn. It is a rune of success and fortune tho can also be used to speed up or slow down our cycles in order to ensure success in a venture. It normally shows good fortune coming as a reward of the work that has gone before it. Other runes associated with the Wheel of Fortune card are Perthro and Teiwaz.


Path on the Tree of Life-Path 21-Kaph-The meaning of Kaph is hand. Traditionally palm readers will look at our hands to see our lines of fortune and misfortune. Kaph can mean a hand reaching out to the higher realms to receive blessings and indeed this path is known as The Intelligence of Conciliation. It connects the sephiroth of Chesed (“Mercy”) with Netzach (“Victory”). It is also known as the ‘father of all’.


When the Wheel of Fortune occurs in a reading it normally means that things are cycling around for the querent and that their circumstances are changing. Perhaps they have found themselves busy with little time for fun and now their schedule is opening up. Perhaps a relationship or a job is ending. How do they accept the changes that life brings them? This idea of acceptance is a major lesson of this card. For people who like to feel in control, the Wheel can be a bit uncomfortable as it means that the changes are unlikely to come from anything that they are doing but rather from forces outside of their control. Yet it is when the querent can roll with whatever has come around for them and they can keep their equilibrium no matter what happens that they can find themselves the happiest. Most often tho when this card is upright, it means that the changes are beneficial ones. Even when they do not seem so based on other cards in the reading or position, patience is always advised for the wheel never stops spinning.


Inversed the Wheel can mean that the querent is struggling against the changes in their life. There seems to be a run of bad luck that can be due to either past choices that the bill is coming due for or outside interference. Either way it is best to accept the change in circumstances and deal with how things are rather than try to recreate the past. This does not mean ignoring examination of the sources of the change as much as it does dealing with the present. Reversed the Wheel can also mean that the querent needs to take responsibility for their lives as opposed to letting circumstances happen as they will. This can mean an examination of how the querent may be causing their own fortune or misfortune and seeing how any action may have far-reaching implications.


Bearing Witness to the Pain of Another


“One of the most loving things you can do for a friend is give them space to be broken without trying to fix them.”
— Randall Wolfe


Humans are problem-solving beings. When someone, especially a loved one, comes to us unhappy and bereft it is a reflex to try to solve their problems. In my experience this is not always either the best or the most loving thing to do. Some hurts are too big and so wounds to deep to think that a kiss and a bandaid of words will help. Sometimes the best and most compassionate thing we can do is to bear silent witness to their pain and give them space to grieve. In the long run this aids their healing process. If they are feeling victimized or delusional about their own culpability in the situation, it is much better to give them a chance to realize it themselves rather than either agree and foster their victimhood or point out their own responsibility and cause resentment. If they are wounded, even by themselves, it is better to let the wound heal a bit before discussing anything of that nature. Listening and being present is often the most compassionate thing we can do.
Blessings, G


Click on images to see full-sized:


She Walked Through a DreamShe Walked Through a Dream and the Dream Returned the Favour by G A Rosenberg


Meeting at the TorMeeting at the Tor by G A Rosenberg