Quote of the Day – September 11 2011

“There is something terribly morbid in the modern sympathy with pain. One should sympathise with the colour, the beauty, the joy of life. The less said about life’s sores the better.

                    –Oscar Wilde

Ten years ago, a tragedy happened in which many people were killed. I honour their passing and despise the fear-mongering, hatred and exploitation that has come from it.

“Still I persist in wondering must folly always be our nemesis”

               –Edgar Pangborn

Today even more than usual, I intend to let as many people as possible know how much they mean to me and spread joy, laughter and yes colour.

Click on Images to see full-size

Colour Space Dance Joy by G A Rosenberg

Dancing Colours by G A Rosenberg

Mandala1 by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – September 10 2011 Perspectives

“Intelligence is the capacity to receive, decode and transmit information efficiently. Stupidity is blockage of this process at any point. Bigotry, ideologies etc. block the ability to receive; robotic reality-tunnels block the ability to decode or integrate new signals; censorship blocks transmission.”

   –Robert Anton Wilson


Thinking about perspectives
part of it still seems to involve how to act
when interfacing with other people’s reality tunnel’s
(most of the time if we’re not hermits)
and yes, how they interface with mine..
i do believe there are limits to how much rudeness
one should be willing to accept from another
By rudeness, I mean someone who insists on trying
to supersede my world view with their own by insisting
that theirs is the only way….
I become weary when i hear terms like “should” and “should not”
“always” and “never” tend to make me a bit queasy also
Tho i realize my own hypocrisy with the first. I have used the word should
but then I too am greatly ignorant
I have yet to meet a person whom I can learn nothing from
So many wonderful teachers
but then one thing I have been slowly learning.
If I see the world as being beautiful and interesting
more and more it becomes so
The more love I conceive and perceive
the more I receive
The more open i become to others, the more my life opens…
Little things, perhaps obvious
yet so easily taken for granted at times,
I know I have…
— G A Rosenberg

Click on image to see full-size

Eye Wood by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – August 31 2011

“Friendship is one of the most important things in life. True friends increase your joys and celebrate your successes. They are there to nourish your soul and bring harmony to your life. When you face difficulties, they provide you with support and comfort to press on. True friends are aware of and accept your many failings. But when it is required they are also your harshest critic. They are unafraid to say the things that you need to hear because they care. “

        –Kahlil Gibran


Click on image to see full-size
Harmonies by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – August 21 2011

‎”I am a cup in the hands of love.
If you don’t believe me look in my eyes.
or better still, listen to my heart, beating like crazy.
But watch out! This love is not the pale and slender type.
She is drinking in all the lovers right now!”

Click on image to see full-size

More in the sky by G A Rosenberg

Random Poetic Ramblings… and some non-attributed quotes

What does it mean to be open to the miraculous?

its strange, how one day you can want to understand everything and then something clicks and you realize that you will understand when it is time
which doesn’t mean don’t open yourself to learning

it just means lose attachment at needing to know until you realize that you already do.


Finding the spot
not marked by an x
all kinds of emotions flowing through
clearing, cheering,

music that reaches for my pen and starts my heart to writing
ideas unnoticed yet wanting to be heard
soul’s echo in song
and expresses in colour

what words can i give that will help the click
i will take a hand in my own salvation
and set my sights on home


funny, how few concrete ideas come by
just whispers suggestions from life’s underside

feelings of heaviness…thoughts…still the joy is there yet clouds cover
learning more and more how much i have yet to learn

Can one be in a corrupt society and still evolve?


my being wanders down the corridors of certainty
finding nothing to keep it here
yet finding myself wistful
I see so many here who have made their home
Where i have questions, they KNOW
where my path meanders all over the place
a bit here, a bit there
they seem to have a vector course that races ahead
I know the destination’s the same
and yet…
my path remains a wandering one
one where I learn from all
giving what i can and accepting what is given
and when I lose my way
when I believe I lose my way (smiles)
its just shadows i cast obscuring
the path is still there
sticking closer than Peter Pan’s shadow
with much less need of needle and thread…
and as much as i kid myself
tell myself that little lie
until i half believe it
I do know


Unattributed quotes (mainly because I don’t know who said them) (Thanks to Shivaji and Bedouin)

“any particular state remains as long as one feeds it, as soon as one ceases to feed it it will then cease to be what one experiences to be ones own reality. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, it just doesn’t exist for you ”

“if we are too afraid to face the facts of the world we live in then we shall not transform ourselves while being a part of it”

‎”People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos, is because things are being loved, and people are being used.”

Flow of Random Thoughts at a Celebration (Consciousness Streaming Through)

Sketching sketchy thoughts
details hazy
not all clear but not all there
present in a real way
but not for unreal things


Finding a fun thought
to tickle my muse
tho humour’s defused
as I light the fuse


Catching the verbal wave
looking for something slick to stick
still the water’s nice
in this consciousness stream.
so I’ll dive right in


I wonder if James Joyce
use to sit with words dancing in his head
connecting dot and syllables as life
went on through and around him


Spirit is here
yet when is it not


Art finds Art
as heArt finds heArt


You can be by yourself in a crowd yet not feel lonely. Warmed by the good feelings that come when strangers embrace. The music also glows with a special organic warmth.


May every being constantly feel as blessed as I do right now.

Things to Be Grateful For (In No Particular Order)

A Youtube friend of  recent aquaintance (http://www.youtube.com/mahanomi) challenged people to journal on 10 things to be grateful for and to post it as a video response. I don’t know if I’ll do that or not but the idea intrigued me enough to do it. So in no particular order (and I’m not sticking to 10 as once I started contemplating the things I feel gratitude for I found it hard to stop. Which as far as problems go would be one I would wish for everyone

    • My Family – Aaron, Zev, Amanda and our various pets. Each in their own was has been such a gift to me. Aaron and I have been together for 12 years. We are so different in outlook yet we share a language and interests. He has done amazing work in his field and he is one of the most creative, thoughtful people I have ever met. Zev, my son and teacher. Now twelve, with all the challenges that brings. He is so full of life, love and energy. We have so many commonalties tho he is totally his own person with astonishing presence and self-posession. Amanda, my foster daughter, who has helped me so much with developing and using my empathy. Our Various pets (Rufus, Maggie, Brownie, Princess, Luke)
    • My Senses and my ability to perceive the phenomenal world – The Navajo have a beautiful prayer / greeting,  “May you walk in beauty”. It has taken me many years to realize how much of that has to do with attitude and outlook towards life. Now more often than not, I have been seeing beauty express itself in my life way more often even with things that I once would have found off-putting.
    • Souce, Spirit, The Way, God – However you wish to refer to that higher power from which we come, who’s nature is unconditional love.
    • My Imagination- We all have this amazing ability to create something from nothing. We can see how the world can become a better place and make it so. We can see how we may become better, happier, more centred and evolved people and make ourselves so.
    • The Earth-Mother and Provider. Forests, Beaches, Mountains, Cities.
    • The Sun
    • Animals
    • The amazing group of family and friends I have found in cyberspace- I have met so many amazing people from all over the world. I have shared laughter, tears, thoughts, beliefs, art, poetry, music and so much love.
    • My Parents – who raised me to believe that I could be anything that I wanted and showed me that there may be barriers along the way. They have been amazingly supportive.
    • This journey of discovery that I’ve been on
    • People  (including Government, Religious or Corporate entities ) whom anger or frustrate me because they too show me who I am and areas in which I need to grow
    • My art and writing- Self-expression rocks. Finding ways in which I can express myself rocks even harder
    • Music-Of all kinds, so central to my life.
    • Books, Poetry, Blogs, Videos, Art, Movies, Theater – We have so many ways in which we convey who we are and our views / experience of the universe. Through these forms of communication, we are able to commune with voices from the past, present and reach out to those who come after us.. We walk and fly on the shoulders of giants.
    • My Own Being- Within me, as within all of us, universes exist.  I have found vast potential to love, grow and grow in love
    • The time in which I live- There has been a spiritual and societal awakening that has been happening in the world that each month it seems becomes more and more prevalent. There also seems to be a counter-movement towards that but its fascinating to view this.
    • This exercise


I know a lot more than I believe I do
I know a lot less than I believe I do
I forgive me but sometimes its difficult

Just as not all extraterrestrials have the same agenda
the same is true of starseeds
Different groups have different agendas
attributing positive or negative motivations to them may cause errors in judgement

“You are yourself when you feel good in the moment”

I forgive me for doing the things I do until I no longer need to do them. I would hope that it is sooner rather than later
Finding that voice within…Until I learn to listen I can hear it in the voices of others
When I learn to listen, I hear it in the voice of everyone

Loving abstractly is not difficult…Loving each person, feeling love in every moment feels a lot more so…still the more I feel love, the easier it seems to feel it more often .
Lots of clearing stuff coming up of late…Emotions range out of control and then great clarity

More Randomness

Write rite right?

Is true love something we learn
or is it what is left after we unlearn
what society programs into us?
scales fall from my eyes and from my heart
and I see you
and perhaps myself
through new eyes…
Forgiving for living the past
as the future offers such promise
The cynic got lost somewhere along the way
tho sometimes i feel him trying to find his way home
No welcome may be found
tho he looks to crawl in behind my eyes
love and hope block the way

The spiral has been expanding..