Stream of Consciousness Rambling

Words flowing
not knowing
a bit uneasy but that’s ok
disquieted what a strange term, i am dising my quiet and why
when i have searched for it for so long..
tho be careful what you ask for
happiness peppered through with anxiety
not about holding on but how to play
and how to be
just be and the how takes care of itself…
feel the mood pass through
music tunes it out as i tune in
all flowing through the consciousness stream
loving, comes easier, the more I practice
Love is my practice

Teachers appearing
so many
i learn from each one
teach myself?
after all who else is there?
My spirit has come home
yet that word’s meaning changes…
I have learned to walk in the beauty i perceive
and yet have barely perceived at all.

Quote of the Day – May 5 2011

“The only reason we don’t open our hearts and minds to other people is that they trigger confusion in us that we don’t feel brave enough or sane enough to deal with. To the degree that we look clearly and compassionately at ourselves, we feel confident and fearless about looking into someone else’s eyes. ”
— Pema Chödrön

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Love’s Path by G A Rosenberg

More Random Notes

I surrender myself to myself
perennial life student learning from many

I surrender myself to love.

Committing to my inner truth and expressing it… A surprising challenge…one that i believe i’m open to..
it is happening..

The universe tends to send me recurring messages. Over a period of two to three days everywhere I turn I will hear a message repeated. Messages such as the importance of personal integrity or the need to express my truth. When I say the universe, I believe I mean my higher self or soul, if you will. Most recently the message that I kept getting was to know what I want. “Ask and ye shall receive.” Have clear intentions and they will happen. I have always found this to be true. What I kept reading, hearing in random videos on YouTube or in conversations with friends or even in music was that I had to want something. The challenge is that basically I love the universe’s infinite capacity to surprise me. Things consistently turn out either better than I could ever wish, or stranger or both. So thinking about what I really wanted I found rather difficult.
So I put some thought into it and meditated a bit and started writing down what I felt I wanted:

I want the world to grow up…

I want us to mature as a people. to treat the planet better .. to form new systems of government that actually work for the restructure society from the beginning

I want to love unconditionally and universally..
I want to channel and act from my higher self

I wish to serve a higher purpose. My soul’s purpose if you will.. To serve source..To serve man but in the non cookbook sense..
When these wants become needs then things will flow…I want to need these things with every fiber of my being…

I believe the difference between wants and needs is compromise.. When we want something, we want it NOW. We want it how we want i, where we want it and will not find anything else acceptable. When we need something however, we need it and will take it anyway we can get it. A starving man will eat just about anything he can find if it will sustain him..An addict will make any compromise to get what he needs..
Understanding in any given situation whether something may be a want or a need for us seems to me to be an important part of the maturation process

I need an enema of expression. seems like my truth is hiding behind my nonsense and i need to free it

memory of talent yearning, burning, churning
learning still yet not stilled
agitate cogitate meditate not medicate
translate the meaning don’t let lessons be tossed
lost, seeking to find
needing to rewind and grind
never mind all that
my years gone into arrears
so many of them flown
chances blown
new ones arrive
count on it
no obit waiting for me
no end to forsee
i keep going
spiralling out
new iterations
new complications
tempestuous temptations
yet still
through use of will
I find the chill
always and all ways

Some Thoughts -Random

Here’s the hard part. To me, part of loving others in this free-will universe means allowing them the room to make decisions and hold opinions and attitudes that we not only may disagree with but may think are destructive or dangerous. Everybody has their own soul path
We can encourage and teach. We can love and pray, even try to talk to their higher selves but we can’t change them. Still they are in our lives and we in theirs for a reason. Trust their soul’s journey and trust source and love them.

when it comes down to it, It’s not the death of the human being Osama bin Laden dying that people seem to be celebrating as much as the fact that a “Boogy Man” has been banished, no longer do we have to check our figurative closets or look under our metaphorical beds, there is now a greater degree of perceived safety..
You see, to me, Bin Laden as a living human ceased to matter soon after 9/11/01, It is the MYTH that Bin Laden has become that people react to and have been for a very long time…

I have heard more sadness that so many of us, as a people are celebrating and cheering an adversary’s death and what it means as far as our own evolutionary progress
I have talked about his physical death being meaningless because the myth and how it has been sold has far outstripped the man.
I have heard questions about whether we are being told the truth. I believe a certain amount of skepticism is healthy especially given the track records of the people we vote for.

Quote of the Day – April 18 2011

“Love is the only bow of life’s dark cloud. It is the Morning and Evening Star. It shines upon the cradle of the babe, and sheds its radiance upon the quiet tomb. It is the Mother of Art, inspirer of poet, patriot, and philosopher. It is the air and light of every heart, builder of every home, kinder of every fire on every hearth, It was the first dream of immortality. It fills the world with melody. Love is the magician, the enchanter, that changes worthless things to joy, and makes right royal kings of common clay.”
–Robert Green Ingersoll

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His Next Trick Requires a Volunteer by G A Rosenberg

Stray Musings by G A Rosenberg

you think you know what i am saying
you know my heart so well
but have you listened to me lately?
The tapes you play
old ideas unwilling to change
you think you know it all
yet there are paths unwalked by you
and one of them is mine
you walked along in front
believing you were leading those behind
I know you want the truth
in that we are the same
two seekers trying to find
what’s real behind the games


i can let go of anything
i choose what i wish to have

feel my heArt
sorrow no more
tho you can if you wish

anger no more
tho it has fuelled you
other things can help you further faster

let go of fear
tho it has taught you
there are better things to learn

Noone can take away who you are
tho you can give it away

Game On!

Looks like i’m gonna surprise you

we imagine we create and we reflect