Meditating Once Again…


“I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope, for hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love, for love would be love of the wrong thing; there is yet faith, but the faith and the love are all in the waiting. Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.”
― T.S. Eliot


Water dripping…then silence
an itch…then silence
a bad play on words about trees in the forest…inner laughter
then silence
a rumble in my stomach leads to thoughts of dinner
silence again
from the silence..
a word…
a sound like a drum
echoing soundlessly
my word for the moment
the word bounds then silent


Blessings, G

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Tender of the ForestTender of the Forest by G A Rosenberg


Abstract BalanceAbstract Balance by G A Rosenberg

Time Served Truly – Word Play and Consciousness Stream


“All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.”
― Ernest Hemingway


My sentence was commuted. Shortened in that way no one could say whether it was true or false. It wasn’t so much that I got time off for good behaviour or bad. Indeed it seems I lacked conviction. Still I will get off with time served in another 25 years or so. I serve time tho I am not sure it returns the favour and why should it? For quite awhile I defied it, refusing to show the maturity that it tried so hard to thrust upon me. I parried the thrust and behaved much as a child or one of younger years. Then the dice rolled and I found myself a parent and all my past came back to heal and to haunt and thus I became time’s hostage. Still its not so bad, time and I have enchained each other..time takes from me my youth and I make it do tricks, slowing down or speeding up and occasionally in my head it runs backwards bringing memories.
Blessings, G


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In My BelfryIn My Belfry by G A Rosenberg


Green Sun's DayGreen Sun’s Day By G A Rosenberg

Pain’s Gifts… A Consciousness Stream


“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding… And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy”
― Kahlil Gibran


Pain has given me many gifts.
Empathy has come from memories of pain shared.
Body awareness has come from Pain’s messages.
Perspective has come when I see those
who’s suffering has cause to be much deeper
yet carried so much lighter.
Also what hurt so deeply long ago
that I thought it unbearable
now has faded to a mere itch
if remembered at all.
(A gift of memory and time as well)
I find little of nobility in my own pain
and dislike the common game of comparing scars.
Yet still for the gifts of pain I feel grateful
and no doubt will unwrap many more.
Blessings, G


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Magician (Alt)Magician (Alt) by G A Rosenberg


Butterfly Colours obscuring an Idyllic LandscapeButterfly Colours Obscuring an Idyllic Landscape by G A Rosenberg


Time’s Currency – A Consciousness Stream


“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”
― Henry David Thoreau


“Time, Time, Time see what’s become of me” I have donated my time and spent my time, sometimes even squandered it, some of it on stuff that mattered, some only mattered at the moment…such currency we have. Time knows no class and it is never really saved or sequestered merely spent differently…
There is a relative aspect to time. When we don’t enjoy what we’re doing there seems to be much more of it yet when we love our existence and want to savour each second, it seems to vanish… still I would rather have those flowing golden moments than an eternity of dross… so I guess when it comes to time spent, (time served?) Those who have had the most joy are the richest… I wish you all many moments of bliss and a joy that will bring meaning to every moment.
Blessings, G


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Psychedelic BroadcastPsychedelic Broadcast by G A Rosenberg


This Bears Further StudyRe: Union by G A Rosenberg

Perspective Answers


“Writing has laws of perspective, of light and shade just as painting does, or music. If you are born knowing them, fine. If not, learn them. Then rearrange the rules to suit yourself.”
–Truman Capote


Which head is answering the question?
Which key will fit this lock?
Am I a parent or a child?
Do I represent my gender? My Orientation?
Do I represent this spiritual or psychological perspective?
Do I represent this economic class or political leaning?
Do I have to make a choice?
In the end I represent a snapshot of myself in the moment. My perspective may be coloured by some of these things, all of them or none of them and the colour may be playing against type…
After all what are they but contradictory voices yammering… In the end tho its surprising how often it becomes necessary to speak, to say, to decide.
I try to cultivate a condition of intuitive arbitrariness at these times when an answer seems mandatory. I can always backtrack afterwards and see why it was the ‘right’ one. Of course being the king of second guessers (a title given me by my ever patient and loving partner) I can often see how the opposite answer would work as well…
It’s our choices in the moment tho that determine the rabbit holes we journey down.
Blessings, G


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Peering OutPeering Out by G A Rosenberg


Medicine WheelMedicine Wheel by G A Rosenberg

Slowly Born


“No single event can awaken within us a stranger whose existence we had never suspected. To live is to be slowly born.”
— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


In each moment we are reborn to the person we will become. Both child and midwife, father and mother as every moment before inseminates our awareness of our future being. If its so that As above, so below, than the universe itself is eternally being born. Since each moment leads from the one before, tho we may be strange to ourselves (and definitely to others) we are never as strange as we may believe. What truly matters is being who we are at any given time for that is most becoming.
Blessings, G


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Hidden LaddersHidden Ladders by G A Rosenberg


Penetration Through the LevelsPenetration Through the Levels by G A Rosenberg




“A word is a bud attempting to become a twig. How can one not dream while writing? It is the pen which dreams. The blank page gives the right to dream.”
― Gaston Bachelard


Dream to word to dream again
Containment, edit, reframe
shape, add water, dream bigger
write more…let the flow develop
Sentences to Paragraphs
the dream made word
the word made thought
and the thought expanded.
The page, having lost its virginity
opens willingly, its innocence taken
with any luck though its integrity maintained.
Still expansion and expansion, buildup and release
flow through until full expression occurs
and the full flower of page’s potential
becomes seen and shared.


Blessings, G


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Dance of the Warped Double HelixDance of the Warped Double Helix by G A Rosenberg


Night WorkingNight Working by G A Rosenberg


Consciousness Stream Towards Deeper Waters


“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
― Alan Wilson Watts


Investing myself and my time…Conquering the moment or perhaps just living it… filling my days with art and rhyme.. dogs and cleaning and family too… grand adventure in the mundane…tho is anything mundane when its done magically with full will and intent? This next year I will live my time… and time my living… all traveling towards a further deeper consciousness.. because in the end isn’t that what it’s all about?
Blessings, G


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King of the Night ForestKing of the Night Forest by G A Rosenberg


KaleidoscopeKaleidoscope by G A Rosenberg

The Myth of Science and the Science of Myth… A Thought Stream

“I wanted to scientize myth and mythologize science.”



Scientific Myth… walking along the shadows and legends within our psyches… seeking commonalities of dreams and nightmares and finding them… the clothes of the deities change, the outward forms that can be described but the functions amazingly similar..the trickster, the teacher, the dark mother, War Gods and Death Gods abound as do 3s and 7s… patterns described and flowing…
Mythological Science… Song of the Living Dead Cat as we surf Schrödinger’s wave… Dogs that salivate and things that are two things at once… you can know what you are or where you’re going but not both…as the genetic code unravels… fundamental building blocks that can be analogized to the deities…
Science and Myth combine in new ways daily… as do new ways of understanding each through the other’s lens.
Blessings, G


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Talismanic SunriseTalismanic Sunrise by G A Rosenberg


Purple StormPurple Storm by G A Rosenberg

What are the Rules? A Consciousness Stream


“If Life is just a game…

What are the rules?”
— Vajra Krishna


Kindergarden rules yet most adults lose the simplicity. Kindness works but when it doesn’t learn to accept and deal with it and others according to our truest natures (the law of Thelema)…. oh yeah discovering those natures would be high on the list. As would most of what Richard Bach put in the Messiah’s Handbook in the book Illusions ( and what Johnny Depp said about confusion (“I cultivate confusion because I like what it does to my face”). Above all first use the fear and then lose the fear. It may be a friend but it all too easily overstays its welcome.. Remember that the people in our lives are there because we drew them (and the image i get is at least two meanings of draw both with a pen and with a deck of cards), They are here to both teach and learn from as we are to them. Did I mention be kind? If so rewind and here it again. Not only be kind to others but save kindness for ourselves. Let’s add the law of Callahan’s as stated by Spider Robinson (“Shared joy is increased, shared pain is lessened and thus we refute entropy). Oh yeah and most of all, the game is kind of like Special Olympics, everybody wins tho it may be a very long blink of an eye game.
Blessings, G


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Stop and Smell the FlowersStop and Smell the Flowers by G A Rosenberg


Shapes that pass in the nightTravelling Towards Escher Land by G A Rosenberg