I’d Rather Suffer…

“”My argument with so much of psychoanalysis, is the preconception that suffering is a mistake, or a sign of weakness, or a sign even of illness, when in fact, possibly the greatest truths we know have come out of people’s suffering; that the problem is not to undo suffering or to wipe it off the face of the earth but to make it inform our lives, instead of trying to cure ourselves of it constantly and avoid it, and avoid anything but that lobotomized sense of what they call “happiness.” There’s too much of an attempt, it seems to me, to think in terms of controlling man, rather than freeing him. Of defining him rather than letting him go. It’s part of the whole ideology of this age, which is power-mad.”
— Arthur Miller.


Would you give up all of the moments that have given you pain for a life of bland happiness? I know I wouldn’t. For in those moments that have hurt the worst I learned to claim the largest parts of myself. From thoughtlessly betraying a friend, I learned how certain rifts can never be fully healed and to trust my judgement just a little bit more. From the moments I felt the most alone, I learned both self-reliance and an empathy for the lonely. I learned how to love another by doing it wrong and causing pain both to myself and others and I learned that kindness goes a lot further than anger tho both have their place. I would never wish to be spared the tears in my life or heart for those have taught me the greatest compassion.

I would never wish to spare my son the pain of his mistakes tho I will feel it along with him. It would be the greatest disservice to him to try, Rumi said that the cracks are where the light comes in and I have learned that to be true. Gratitude ensues.
Blessings, G


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SheShe by G A Rosenberg


Starry EyedStarry-Eyed by G A Rosenberg

No Surrender

“What is the significance of the statement ‘No one can get enlightenment’? This is the very root of the teaching. It means that it’s stupid for any so-called master to ask anyone to do anything to achieve or get enlightenment. The core of this simple statement means, according to my concept, that enlightenment is the annihilation of the “one” who “wants” enlightenment. If there is enlightenment – which can only happen because it is the will of God – then it means the “one” who had earlier wanted enlightenment has been annihilated. So no “one” can achieve enlightenment and therefore no “one” can enjoy enlightenment.”
“The joke is even the surrendering is not in your control. Why? Because so long as there is an individual who says “I surrender” there is a surrenderer, an individual ego… What I’m saying is that even the surrendering is not in [your] hands.”
–Ramesh Balsekar


Is true surrender then surrender of the universe to itself? It may be something akin to Odin sacrificing himself to himself on the world tree to gain understanding. I love the concepts inherent in the Advaita (Non-Duality) school of Hinduism. I have found that contemplating all of reality as one perfect whole has lifted veils for me. Too often when we talk, words get in the way of our understanding so taking it outside of words helps.
Blessings, G


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Presence 2Fractal Presence by G A Rosenberg


Forces From the CentreForces from the Centre by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Nine Of Cups

Nine Of Cups (Happiness / Fortunate)

G`Nine of Cups (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


Wishes have come true
Moments of pure enjoyment
Gratitude abounds.


Freeze the moment
ecstasy flowing
like the wine in my glass
almost as sweet
as your lips
in the grass
on my hips
on my ass
all over as my lips on you
the taste the scent
the joy
pure pleasure doesn’t get any better
we have it all
in this time
music so sweet
in motion the beat
the ocean our hearts
our bodies this wine
freeze this moments
of desires fulfilled
may this dream never pass.

— G A Rosenberg


The suite of Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions. The Nines represent a coming to completion of the energy involved if not the completion itself. Combine these energies and we have a moment of peak fulfilment with joy and pleasure that is near orgasmic. All of our wants are fulfilled, we feel bliss and life is good. No matter how good this feeling is it cannot last. Change is constant and eventually this pleasure too will pass, whether it be into a period of sustained joy or into new challenges ahead.Perhaps knowing this makes this moment all the better and the wine all the sweeter.


Astrological Correspondence – Jupiter in Pisces – Jupiter in Pisces energy tends towards compassion and empathy. It has the ability to know intuitively what will make those around feel better and creates the situation accordingly. This is a very fun-loving energy that enjoys life the way a dolphin enjoys the sea. Piscean energy tends to pick up and amplify anything within range so when it amplifies Jupiter’s expansiveness, it wants to show up and be there for everyone. There is a tendency for this energy to become complacent and feel that the good times will last forever.


I Ching Correspondence – 48) Jing – Replenishing

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The Trigram for Water is over that of Wood. Water comes up from the well in an all but inexhaustible manner replenishing those who thirst. It is a time of celebration and enjoyment where all who are in need may be satiated. Water rises up to sustain the life of that above whether it be plants or people. Wells tend to be centres of population where people come to celebrate bounty.


Geomantic Correspondent – Laetitia

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The figure resembles an arch or a rainbow. It means upward movement and joy and almost always means a positive outcome in whatever question is being asked. It resembles an archway or fountain in appearance.


In a reading the Nine of Cups has commonly been called the wish card. Depending on its position it indicates forward motion in the subject at hand. This card means good fortune, happiness and enjoyment. Because this card often refers to a breakthrough it can also indicate that there is a lot of celebrating going on, possibly to excess. This card can also mean that for a time weighty matters have been put aside and the simple pleasures of a warm bed, a full belly and a ‘bottle in hand’ can now be enjoyed. This card can also mean that one has abandoned cares and work to sit, enjoy and dream of future glory. Quite often with this card we look for this enjoyment not only for ourselves but for our friends and teammates as well.


The Nine of Cups reversed in a reading may mean that we are not getting what we wish, possibly because we have been focusing more on the desire rather than the work needed in order to bring it to fruition. The reversed Nine of Cups may also mean that we are getting what we wanted but not finding it quite as satisfying as we thought it would be. Something seems to be missing. Perhaps we have only been working on fulfilling our own dreams rather than making sure that those around us are also getting their needs fulfilled. This card reversed may also mean that we have the satisfaction not only of our surface needs met but our deeper spiritual needs as well.

The Offensive Gnu – Streaming Consciousness

“I do not know how to find out anything new without being offensive.”
– Charles Fort.


To discover.. to look at something and see it for the first time… to discover it in a new way…upsetting the old and the ones who held it— the ones attached see me as wrong for my new eyes..my real eyes..my realization? … most can’t see… Galileo said the earth went around the sun… offended many… did he have the right?… how did he not? People like their Dragon spots and their fear and mystery… removing it…even tho the map may be better scores few thanks..how brave must one be to face the unknown even inside themselves? we’re looking for beings of courage…map makers to a new tomorrow… even if it means we have to throw out our old ones… Aww but the colours were so pretty too… that’s ok..we’ll create with even more pretty colours and it will be true..neophile- lover of the new, neophobe-one who fears the new… I know which one I will be…will myself to be..and if in the end my eyes offend and I lose friends.. i still will see the new..
Blessings, G


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Star DivingStar Diving by G A Rosenberg


Liquid FireLiquid Fire by G A Rosenberg

A Colourful Business…

“In many shamanic societies, if you came across a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?”
–Angeles Arrien


Where would we be without a sense of wonder? Occasionally I interact with people both in real life and online who seem to have had their imagination shot off in the war. They speak flatly and argue flatly usually for what seems like a flat earth but is in actuality just a reality that stops either at the border of what they have seen or experienced for themselves or sometimes stretches to encompasses writers who tell them that indeed reality does not stretch that far. So in a universe of infinite colour and hue they restrict themselves to sixteen colours and see themselves as fanciful that they do not stop at eight.

How do you describe to someone colours that they have never seen? How can you make them believe that there are complete palettes of shades that do not exist on their colour wheel. Especially when they have always been more than satisfied with their sixteen thank you very much and see as thriftless nutters anyone who could possibly see more than thirty-two. Perhaps if they were open to the idea that such hues existed you could help them to see in their minds eye at least but all to often they have erected a grey wall against it. Eventually you just have to share your colours only with those who have the courage to paint their dreams.
Blessings, G


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Dreaming in TandemDreaming in Tandem by G A Rosenberg


Gem VortexGem Vortex by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Nine of Wands



Nine of Wands (Strength / Intensity)


Nine of WandsNine of Wands (Strength) by G A Rosenberg


Hyper vigilance
Once you are sure then proceed
Imagination soars!


Beware of Judgement
Once you are sure then proceed
Imagination soars!


At Dawn they come
I hear the drums beating
as they plan their approach
I alone remain
to meet them
I cannot give way
Will this battle be the one I cannot win?
I will not surrender
My gods watch over me and so much has been lost
The drums echo louder as I kneel in prayer
Leaning on my staff for support
My company of nine
eight well used and on e freshly carved
tell of other times
that I came through
Drumming louder, drumming stronger
and voices heard
“The dr will see you now
you may go in”
–G A Rosenberg


The suite of Wands deal with force-creative, spiritual, and vital. The Nines represent a coming to completion of the energy involved if not the completion itself. This energy has been through almost its whole cycle of manifestation. It has seen conflicts and resolution and tho weary it is ready for anything that comes its way. Tho after encountering conflict and emerging victorious do we forever after have the expectation of conflict somewhere in our minds. Are we perhaps too ready to see everything as a conflict? Perhaps or perhaps we have come to a healthy point where we see everything that comes our way positive or negative as being a challenge. The difference between a conflict and a challenge is that while conflict always needs to be met with either greater conflict or surrender, a challenge takes much more flexibility and fluidity.


Astrological Correspondence – Moon in Sagittarius – This energy is both competitive and adaptable. It is not a laboured one that thoroughly plans its every move but one that changes to fit every contest. It grows impatient when held to any plan. The Moon in Sagittarius is optimistic and its optimism carries it through no matter what it may encounter. It is a very in the moment energy and will always forge its own unique path even if its not willing to stick around and take responsibility for debris in its wake afterwards.


I Ching Correspondence – 7) Shi – The Army / Multitude

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The Trigram for Earth is over that of Water. This hexagram ties back to the days when China had no standing army but the peasant class would when needed during war time serve. This made it unnecessary to have a large number of men at hand always in readiness for conflict. Water stored in earth arises only when necessary. It is always good to avoid the use of force if there are alternatives. When the use of force does become necessary proper application of it is essential. It is also useful to adapt how we use our force according to both inner will and outer circumstances.


When the Nine of Wands shows up in a reading, there may be an indication that it is time to marshall our strength and be in readiness for conflict. It may also mean that we are ready to take on any challenge that may come our way and be able to meet it fully. The Nine of Wands may also mean that we are involved in a contest for the ‘thrill of the game’ rather than to gain anything specific. This card often speaks of a great struggle, depending on where it comes in the reading, it is either ongoing, in the past or about to start. In any case, it is a challenge that will be well met.


The Nine of Wands reversed in a reading may show that we are being over-cautious and hyper-vigilant. We may have been preparing ourselves for a great battle for so long that we have grown rigid and unyielding and jump at shadows. It can mean that we need to become vulnerable for awhile so that we can once again be ready to engage with proper and flexible readiness.

Realized Journeys

“The seeker embarks on a journey to find what he wants and discovers, along the way, what he needs.”
― Wally Lamb


Sometimes I believe that the journeyer within ourselves has both an inner and outer aspect. Our outer aspect often needs a reason to journey whether it be towards a job or a new life or even to escape their old one. The inner journeyer tho realizes that the journey never ends. Our voyage of discovery starts when we take our first breath and continues on until our last one.


I have found my life the most satisfying when I have united the two. At some point I stopped feeling that every step of my life had to be in a new place, or with different people and in different circumstances. Changes in attitude and viewpoint matter a lot more to me than any geographical change ever came as much as I enjoy a good road trip. That’s a funny thing to isn’t it. With a geographical change, we end up seeing brand new locations with the same old eyes and we keep looking for similarities to what we know. With an attitudinal change, however, we end up looking at things we have seen for years in a whole new way with greater appreciation. More and more I have come to love the change of eyes as I see the real clearer and clearer with new realizations.

Blessings, G


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PurificationPurification by G A Rosenberg


Mindfield7Mindfield 7 by G A Rosenberg