Quote of the Day – January 20 2013

“You become powerful when you find the infinty at the centre of your Self. Then, and only then can you extract and wield Excalibur.”
–Malcolm Cook


Lately I have become friends with several people who wish to use some form of magic to control either their circumstances or even to effect change on a country or planetary level. They play all kinds of games seeking to bring themselves power. I can understand that. We all want things to go our way and especially when younger we want what we want when we want it.
However when it comes down to it, we are all ultimately powerful, we have this infinite core from which all manner of things can come. If we feel brought down by loneliness, by working on ourselves and our perception, we can see how connected we are to everything around us. In realizing this the way we act in relationship to this realization ends up attracting others and Boom the problem of loneliness is solved.
In much the same way we can attract money and fulfilment. It all comes down to being willing to as one friend says “do your f*cking yoga”– if we put half as much time in on self-knowledge, self-control and self-work that we do on trying to control our circumstances and the world than things would fall into place much faster.  The funny thing is that working on one’s self is to acknowledge our own responsibility in the equation. So often people want to be able to place the ‘blame’ on external causes when they fail to look at themselves. Of course self-work often means giving up the buzz of the quick fix. I’d rather go for joy than pleasure any day

Blessings, G


A quick postscript. Please do not interpret the above as meaning that I see no value in the practice of magic. Indeed, I believe that ritual can be a powerful tool in self-development. The great work that most magicians speak of is related to the realization of one’s own highest being and will.


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Complex Violet equations

Complex Purple Equations by G A Rosenberg

Mandala in the eye of the Hawk

Mandala within the Eye of the Hawk by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords


Ace of SwordTarot- Ace of Swords (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


A new thought’s dawning

Separate from past errors

Embrace future’s hope.


I drew you in the darkness
when I had lost my way
With no hope
one road looks much like another
Now I have drawn you
and all false paths fade away
and my destiny is clear


The suit of swords represents thought, ideas and plans. The Ace of Swords reveals a new way of thinking and a clear direction. It represents discernment and new insights into which way to go.  In discernment, we transcend duality. No matter how clear the path our discernment shows us we still need to follow through. The aces are after all but seeds. How well we are prepared and whether we find our way to its end is up to us.


In a reading the Ace of Swords can represent both a new way of looking at things or seeing something that we were missing before. It can show a new clarity of thought or perception. It can also represent a new conflict that has arisen and a new challenge to be faced.


When reversed the clarity of the sword has been obscured. There may be confusion where the path cannot be seen. The Ace reversed can also represent delusional thinking where our prejudices and preconceptions are interfering with clear thought.

Quote of the Day – January 19 2013

“Art with contempt in it is always sour.”
— Spider Robinson


…and then some nights. It seems lately I have been able to work on being more patient and lowering my frustration level. I feel I try to listen to what people are saying and be understanding. Then there are nights like tonight where it all falls apart. Little frustrations get to me and any discussion becomes about defending my turf. I know better, really I do and it comes down to a realization that I have come a ways on the road but I am not quite there. What is my irritation teaching me? Most importantly of all, where’s the humour? Perhaps the most important question. If you can laugh than internal balance can be restored. If you can laugh with the people you were just feeling anger with, the situation quickly becomes defused.
Blessings, G


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Sacrifice by G A Rosenberg


Infinite Tower

Infinite Tower by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Ace of Cups



Ace of Cups

Tarot – Ace of Cups (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


For too long my spirit  felt depleted
I didn’t know what was needed
Emptiness contained within me
Not so much emptiness as a polluted sea
run dry


Now out of nowhere, something new has appeared
this cup in front of me has washed away my fear
I feel reborn; love and creativity
has given me renewed vitality


The cup’s been offered

Drinking from it heals the heart

and renews the soul


The suit of cups in the tarot represent love and our emotional natures. How open are we to receiving that which is offered? What conditions do we place on love and how are we in relationship? The ace of cups (like the other aces) is a seed that contains within it all of the healing and renewal that love can bring. How ready for it are we? Can we drink deep from the cup offered or do we reject it either because we mistrust what is offered or we fear where this new road can lead. The Holy Grail in Arthurian legend healed the land until it was misused and taken for granted. How willing are we to be healed?

When the Ace of cups, shows up in a reading, it represents new love being offered. This can come from another or it can come from within. It often represents a new period of potential joy.When reversed, the Ace of cups indicates a blockage to this renewal. What is stopping us from accepting what is offered? What connection are we not allowing to happen?

Humbled (Redux)

I came seeking truth
I believed that the answers would come easy
after all I had already seen so much…
You showed me truth
and rubbed my nose in it
until bleeding i began to see
how many illusions I had left
and knew that that was scraping the surface.


Never was I so angry
and lashed out in all directions
Calmly you watched which angered me even more
until I saw not only the love in your eyes
but my own reflection as well.
— G A Rosenberg


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Humbled by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 15 2013

“Without inspiration, we’re all like a box of matches that will never be lit.”
― David Archuleta


What inspires you? I find myself inspired by so many things. Oh not all the time and luckily not all at once (a book of matches that gets lit all at once isn’t of use for very long). I get inspired by new ideas and by spirit. I get inspired by nature, by books and by music. Meditation brings inspiration as does art… Luckily this book of matches seems infinite and self renewing.. Working on this blog provides its own inspiration…as do all of you. Perhaps I become inspired easily, I travel among the winds buffeted by the different things I encounter each day. Not all inspiration is happy but all of it is worthwhile.
Blessings, G


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The Universe Next Door?

The Universe Next Door? by G A Rosenberg


Facotry of the Infinite SunFactory of the Infinite Sun by G A Rosenberg


Factory of the Infinite Sun - A Closer Look Factory of the Infinite Sun- A Closer Look by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 12 2013

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
― Kurt Vonnegut


I pretend to understand. To do this well, I have to listen with involvement to what those around me say. I have to ask the next question and show my involvement. I have to actually put myself into another’s shoes, psyche so that I am not caught up in not understanding. I need to be open to their dreams and their pain and their joy and to see the world from their viewpoint. I have found it impossible once I do those things to not care. In pretending to understand and be understanding, I get caught and perhaps at least a little bit, I do.
Blessings, G


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The Emperor
Tarot – The Emperor by G A Rosenberg


Whirlwind by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – January 10 2013

‘What is Magik? Magik is the 90% of the brain that we don’t use. Reality is the other 10 percent. Magik is what’s in a child’s eye when he sees snow for the first time. Magik is what’s in an animal’s eye when it first begins to play with its kindred. It’s what’s in the eyes of two lovers when they exchange wedding vows. Magik is what clears all normality away. But just because we know about Magik doesn’t mean we can use it.’
– Heruka Dragonbane.


I was going to speak dryly about what I believe magic to be but I don’t feel so inclined for tonight’s blog. I love the definition that Dragonbane gives for magical thinking. I want to look at the night sky and see it for the first time with the wonder of a child. Without complaining of cold or rain, let me feel the weather on me without expectation. Let me see in each strange the potential friend and find magic and mystery in everything. Let it all be new. Let me feel renewed. Let me laugh and frolick and jump with my dogs and nephews and nieces and see every moment as adventure and see possibilities in every turn. I say all this and the universe replies ‘Go for It’

Blessings, G


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KIng of Pentacles
Tarot – King of Pentacles by G A Rosenberg


Red Blue Inversions
Red-Blue Inversions by G A Rosenberg