Fiddling with the Everglade (Redux)


Some pictures particularly the ones I really like tend to keep getting reworked either by bringing elements from them into new pieces or in the application of new techniques that I have since learned. The Everglade picture was one I first did in 2010 and then played around with again a few years later. I couldn’t resist playing with the image a bit more.


In new day
In a glade found by walking
where few had trod
following the beckoning of
a sensuous maiden tree
I found the Ever-Glade
Reality was at a crossroads
Tricksters were abound
and creation was abundant
colours more vivid than
life had yet shown me
I entered the glade
and partook of all that was offered
Now part of me will never leave
for it is carried inside me
My new home and existence
creating each other eternally.
— G A Rosenberg


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The Ever-Glade(R)The Ever-Glade (R) by G A Rosenberg

Dream Images Waking Redux

Infinite snow globe
angel frozen in ice
A mad tea parting with friends
Images flowing through but not remaining
Dream symbols that travel in waking mind
We grasp at meanings but lose the point

They go flying by on bat’s wings
lost loves as mermaids
or flashing eyes or flowers crushed by indifferent feet
Star beings lighting up our skies
awakening our dreaming minds.

Those bits and visions of
‘outside’ reality
pieces to place in our jigsaw beings…
Brought to us to pave our path
bringing us home.


Click on image to see full-sized
Out of Their Element by G A Rosenberg

Living Scripture Redux and What the Fract?

Living Scripture


We are all living scripture
reflections and statements
of divine being
made manifest
by an act of will


Like most holy words
our message becomes distorted
but are gems less beautiful
because of their flaws
or the sky less perfect
when ringed by clouds


How differently would we speak
if we knew our words
expressed the whole….
how whole would we be
if our words expressed ourselves?


– G A Rosenberg (2010)

Click on image to see full-sized
What The Fract?  by G A Rosenberg

Rabbit Hole Musing and Purpose

Rabbit Hole Musing

From October 2010:

Joseph Campbell referred to it as the Hero’s Journey. The major arcana of the tarot shows similar cycle. Every time we step through a doorway or start something new, we perform a version of it. Sometimes I feel that most of my life is spent going from rabbit hole to rabbit hole or at crossroads deciding which way to go. It’s one of the reasons why I feel a kinship to crossroad deities such as Thoth in Egyptian mythology, Hermes in the Greek, Eshu and Elegua in various Orisha cosmologies or Ganesh in the Hindu among many others.. They tend to be the tricksters, the ones who teach you life’s lessons by exposing you to possibilities.
There is a history of musicians and crossroad deities especially blues musicians tho they usually see him as being old nick

I have to be careful tho. Every time I start writing about the rabbit hole I hear a whisper “c’mere kid…take the ride” which I guess is nominally better than “Oh my stars and whiskers, I’m late”


Present Day:
The rabbit Holes never stop appearing do they? At least not as long as we’re open to them. I think I’ve figured at least part of it. When looked at in a certain way, each person becomes a rabbit hole. When approached with empathy and a true desire to understand, everyone we meet can take us to a new reality or at least a new take on it. Some realities can be more dangerous to us than others. I’ve met people before and alarms have gone off in my head screaming “HERE THERE BE DRAGONS”. Others I’ve met who have shown me such beauty that I’ve wept to find that I must leave but reconciled that if careful I could take some of that beauty back with me. Neither are the two above mutually exclusive. Journeys never end and each circumstance or person who’s land we visit teaches me about my own.
Blessings G

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Purpose by G A Rosenberg