Quote of the Day – March 9 2013

“We are sun and moon, dear friend; we are sea and land. It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is: each the other’s opposite and complement.”
– Hermann Hesse


Accepting that people we love may have a different path to the truth than us with very different perceptions of what truth is seems to be difficult for many of us to accept. I wonder at times how much strength it takes to allow for the differences in the outlook of a friend and try to integrate the two rather than believe automatically that one has to be true and the other false. Hegel’s dialectic is thesis, antithesis, synthesis. Two things that oppose each other that seek a combination of some sort, an integration which in turn becomes a new thesis and thus we evolve our viewpoints.
Yet so many people get caught up in the belief that what they currently believe is the only possible truth and would rather break off discussions or friendships rather than risk that belief. More and more I have become determined to not identify as much with my beliefs but to constantly aim towards finding a higher truth.


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Manifesting Mathematics
Manifesting Trance Formations by G A Rosenberg


ShadowsShadow Dance by G A Rosenberg



Alchemical Mesa (Redux)


Elemental Gifts


I gave the fire my hope
fed it and raised it high
and it illuminated the night
and burned until morning’s breeze
stirred the lasting embers.


At water’s edge, I contemplate
watch the waves come in, withdraw
They speak to me in the Moon’s voice
which echoes my inner and outer vision
bringing me peace until dawn’s rising
calls me back inside.


The Air gives witness to my rage
it bears it up and outward
away from my being
Becalmed until new day’s pressure
starts building up within.

and so The Earth receives my love
mother at the root of all
she nourishes me as I suckle
safe until the daylight’s heat
starts rousing me again….


–G A Rosenberg


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alchemical mesaAlchemical Mesa by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – March 8 2013

“You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.”
― Oscar Wilde


I love listening to people’s melodies. Either alone, one voice quietly singing then getting stronger as their confidence grows until they are belting it out. Sometimes in groups in a brilliant symphony and cacophony , dramatic counterpoints , like a mad opera, each voice unique and each voice loveworthy. We all can learn to hear each person’s song. We just have to listen with our hearts..
Sometimes the melody jars with our own but then the best music sometimes comes from melodic tension. I would love to jam with the world.
Blessings, G


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Lilith in the TreeDimensional Incursion by G A Rosenberg


Magick Carpet MandalaMagic Carpet Mandala by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Five of Swords

Five of Swords (Defeat)


Five of SwordsFive of Swords (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


Freely I entered
The fight was too much for me
Defeated I leave.


Well, It’s over
The battle has played out
and now I’ve lost,
not just the battle
that would have been too easy
I’ve lost myself
In the need to win
I became…changed
drove allies away
destroyed confidences
so that no matter the outcome
I would still have lost…
I believed that if I thought like my foe
I could beat them
instead I became them
and so the defeat completed…..

— G A Rosenberg (2013)

Now the battle has been won
He collects the swords of the vanquished, us.
He walks on determined,
all but oblivious to our shame
He may be weary, we are for sure
with wounds to lick
This day too shall pass
and we may yet win out
tho for now we taste Ashes
Another day will come

— G A Rosenberg (2010)


The suit of swords represents thought, ideas, plans and conflicts. Fives stand for conflict, change and a breaking through to higher thought. The five of swords thus represents defeat, whether in battle or in inner conflicts. It often represents the defeat that comes when we realize how much we have betrayed our own principles in the desire to win. Ultimately no matter how the conflict ends, we end up defeated having lost the intent that gave rise to the conflict in the first place.


Astrological Correspondence – Venus in Aquarius – Venus in Aquarius is innovative in how it chooses to love. Often a loner, it is an energy drawn towards the new and different and hates any aspect of getting caught in a rut. This can result in a sensitivity to the feelings and desires of others but a tendency to get bored and so they may sabotage their relationships in the search for the innovative.


I Ching Correspondence – 47) K’un Oppression –
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The image is of a lake above water–the lake is dried up– the “superior” man is exhausted by all manner of people and things besetting him. If he remains flexible and stable and maintains his equanimity through adversity than he will come through it fine. Only if he can’t roll with the punches and falls apart will any rough period truly vanquish him. Someone who has developed that inner consistency will find success no matter whatever external situation he finds himself in.


When the Five of Swords turns up in a reading, it often refers to a loss, usually one that feels somewhat humiliating. It may also represent a loss that comes when someone has won through unethical or unfair means and has become humiliated because of it. If it refers to an event that has not happened yet, it could be a warning against going into an unwinnable battle or one where winning it will turn into a humiliating defeat

When the Five of Swords comes up reversed, it normally refers to losses in the past that the person has not recovered from and still have a lot of energy about that is causing us to be reluctant to reengage.

Quote of the Day – March 7 2013

“Problems that remain persistently insoluble should always be suspected as questions asked in the wrong way.”
― Alan Wilson Watts


I feel echoes of past blissful moments
they carry me
options abound to touch and
Connect with joyful people
and dance naked in the moonlight
or perhaps in the mind’s moonlight…
to be free
to realize freedom
we hold ropes and chains
and chainsaws
Some of us need to be tied
to know our true liberty
I prefer ropes to lies
for they are far easier to untie
but why speak of bondage
when the dance awaits
each steps unique
each rhythm skewed
we throw ourselves
into movement
faster and faster we transcend
until we wind down spent
in those dizzying moments
we feel our identities
I wouldn’t miss it for the world!

— G A Rosenberg


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In a Magical Universe they studied the Soul GemIn a Magical Universe They Study the Soul Gem by G A Rosenberg


Crystal and CloudsClouds and Crystal by G A Rosenberg



Quote of the Day – March 6 2013

“Learn to watch your drama unfold while at the same time knowing you are more than your drama.”
― Ram Dass


How hard is it to escape daily drama? At times it seems near impossible. I have spoken a lot about how foolish it seems to try to escape anything. We tend to bring it all with us especially the drama. Being able to watch it tho, stepping outside the situation we are caught up in and perceive it as a member of the audience, relating from that impartial witness element becomes priceless. Sometimes I believe we go through our teenage years and our kids as a means of teaching us exactly this lesson. I needed this reminder tonight and so I share it with you.
Blessings, G


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RepresentationRepresentation by G A Rosenberg


Lotus ReflectionLotus Reflection by G A Rosenberg


Tarot Post – Five of Cups

Five of Cups (Disappointment)


G`Five of Cups (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


Mourn not for the lost

Rejoice at what still remains

and that yet to come


I knew and I didn’t what was to come
I threw myself into it
Everyone warned me
what he was like
what she was like
and what would happen
yet still I jumped in
The experience would be a good one
or so I reasoned
and then the dance began
I lost myself in mistaken belief
I told myself I was having ‘fun’
and then it happened
and then she left
and then he left
and then I was left…
all steps in the dance
Why do I feel so bereft?
I paid for the tickets
I attended the show
choreographed the moves
and lost the plot
So what have I learned?
What I already knew
and that I am someone
who learns this way
to understand…
— G A Rosenberg


Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions. Fives stand for conflict, change and a breaking through to higher thought. If the four of cups talked about how we look at something new on the horizon and our expectations, then the five of cups show how we handle things when things don’t live up to those expectations and we end up meeting with disappointment. One may ask in colloquial terms what appointment is it we have made that has been dissed.
Most of the time when we enter into a new situation be it a relationship or a new social group or job, we can quickly size up where the problem areas lay and indeed with a little bit of reflection can see exactly how it will play out and yet even when the outcome is likely to be negative, we follow down the path anyway, perhaps because we realize we need the experience and accompanying lesson to be driven home. The biggest lesson of the five of cups is not that we have suffered setbacks because that is inevitable in life. What is it that we have gained in the process and what are we left with becomes paramount. Because quite often, if we are not wasting time ‘crying over spilt milk’, it is that which is the gift.


Astrological Correspondence – Mars in Scorpio – The Mars in Scorpio energy loves to test itself. It throws it self into a situation head on often overlooking the emotional ramifications of it. Quite often people with this energy can see through facades and manipulate others in any situation. Quite often this can result in manipulating and fooling themselves as well.


I Ching Correspondence – 9) Hsiao Ch’u / The Taming Power of the Lesser

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The trigram of the Sun is over that of Heaven. The image is that of a small wind blowing the clouds together yet not powerful enough to cause rain. Sometimes a weaker element of ourselves such as fear or loss or disappointment can rise up and take precedent over our stronger aspects. This is usually temporary but it becomes difficult to realize this when in the midst of trauma.


When the five of cups turns up in a reading, it is usually referring to a recent loss or disappointment. Depending on other cards in the reading, the person may be ‘crying over spilt milk’, choosing to look at what has been lost rather than what they still have or what they may have gained from the situation.


When the five of cups is reversed, the person is looking at their loss with more equanimity. Perhaps they have friends who are talking them through it or perhaps they have discovered gratitude for that which they have left and that which they gained from the experience. It may also refer to remaining open and vulnerable to new experiences despite that which may have been lost in the past

Quote of the Day – March 5 2013

“Each moment from all sides rushes to us the call to love.
We are running to contemplate its vast green field.
Do you want to come with us?”
― Rumi


Dialogue between myself and Chris Topher Harper of  (http://colubrinedeuce.blogspot.com/)


Chris Topher Harper: Naw, I am good.


Gary Johannes-Rosenberg: Cool, don’t forget to write all views welcome


Chris Topher Harper: You guys go ahead.
Behind the humor;
There lies the implication that this is not love already.
Do you see?


Gary Johannes-Rosenberg: Well you know, as someone or other said, we see things not as they are but as we are….

Can’t you be called to something you are already doing?


Chris Topher Harper: Why ask that?
The whole premise of the idea that it is all love negates the notion of the uneasiness that we have to strive to be, or go somewhere that we already are.
Which is the whole premise for Rumis work in most cases, speaking to someone that needs some kind of relation like that there has to be something better than this. Some kind of greener, sweeter grass.
It is the whole idea behind romance, to sweep someone off their feet, and be their eternal lover knowing that they already know this, the tingles provide a similar connection, and leave the reader wanting more.
Oh sweet love, why is it that I can’t be happy without you in my presence? What must I do to ever get you to accept my hand?
All the while, the talk is usually from Rumi’s conscious self to his unconscious self. He speaks of things He would tell himself, to beckon himself to stop whatever he is doing and go. Which is subservant to the lesson at hand.
One of my favorite quotes of his is; “Your task is not to seek for love, but to remove your barriers against it.” Rumi
Which is almost a direct opposite to this quote. Don’t worry about the love to find. You worry about why you are not seeing it right now. DOn’t expect to go somewhere, look to know yourself and why you are not fully immersed in it now…


Gary Johannes-Rosenberg : So in this quote you see a seeking implied? Contemplating something is not the same as seeking it… or is it the idea of ‘the call to’ and the ‘running to’ that you object to…
I don’t find that inconsistent myself with removing the barriers against it at all, if anything they go hand in hand
Have you ever sat down to create art and contemplated the finished piece either before you began, while you were working on it or both
I find so much of art, contemplating the finished piece and removing everything that does not belong


Chris Topher Harper: I would say that we are always seeking love, in everything we do.
Until we understand that we are it.
And that it is everything.
Just in that understanding, there leaves no reason to not be aligned, but a desire of our choosing.
It is the seeking that is part of that love, it is the being that is part of that love.
It is the creation of art that fllls us with the idea of spreading something that everyone already has…


Gary Johannes-Rosenberg: YES… the greatest sculpture is that of our own being


Chris Topher Harper: So, the first two lines, were pretty solid.
I just passed on the needing to go anywhere.
We are already there, man, already there…


Gary Johannes-Rosenberg: Yes, but sometimes we need to journey to discover that we are already home…

Blessings, G


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Audience Chambre
Audience Chamber by G A Rosenberg


FallFalling by G A Rosenberg