Quote of the Day – March 20 2013

“It’s a little embarrassing that after 45 years of research & study, the best advice I can give people is to be a little kinder to each other.”
― Aldous Huxley


I’ve watched The Horse Whisperer and the Dog Whisperer. They teach people how to communicate with their animals and understand what the animals are communicating. Tonight I saw a book titled the Teen Whisperer. That’s great. I want to be the Heart Whisperer, the Ego Whisperer, the Self Whisperer , someone who can communicate my needs to myself and understand the blocks. Once I can do that, I’ll no longer need a dog whisperer or a teen whisperer or any other kind. Once I’ve removed the blocks to communication from the inside, I will be able to understand the hearts and selves of others with no problem.
Blessings, G


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Haunted by Her ShadowHaunted by Her Shadow by G A Rosenberg


Next Atomic LevelThe Next Atomic Level by G A Rosenberg





Quote of the Day – March 19 2013

“Never discourage anyone…who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.”
― Plato


I wonder if the above quote is semantically the same as never discourage anyone, after all aren’t we all making continual progress albeit in some it is almost imperceptible . In my experience, when we stand still recalcitrant to any lessons, ie continuously act like a jerk, life continues to rub our nose in it until we at least begin to get the message.
No matter how much they may have owned materially or no matter how many trappings of a ‘good’ life they had, I have met very few jerks who have had happy lives. But then again, people who have made the decision to be happy, to accept their lives as  a challenge rather than as something done to or for them seldom tend to be jerks. Perhaps that is one of the earliest lessons…
Blessings, G



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Focus by G A Rosenberg


Rooted DesignRooted Design by G A Rosenberg

Quote of the Day – March 18 2013

“A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. For millions of years, human beings have been part of one tribe or another. A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate.”
― Seth Godin


It’s the communication part that tends to be the trickiest in my opinion.

We throw words, syllables at each other
expressing meaning, conveying emotions,
motion, pouring lotion on troubled water
tho sometimes fanning the flames
conflating the conflict is more our aim
try to explain
and make it worse
non rehearsed we speak
not from the heart but from the belly
fear not love
yet we can reverse that
show the feelings we have
resolve to solve
rather than
fight to right…
integrate and synthesize
realize our ‘real eyes’ and not our lies
— G A Rosenberg



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JeweledJewelled by G A Rosenberg


In Some Ways It Resembles A Map
In Some Ways It Resembled a Map by G A Rosenberg



Quote of the Day – March 17 2013

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”
― Douglas Adams


I like where I am now in my life tho sometimes I struggle with it. Most times I accept it and realize it is where I can both grow and help others to grow in very unique ways. I can help my family, both the one I was born into as well as my chosen one work out many of our issues. Perhaps with my art and my writing I may inspire others. That is a fervent hope.
Is this the final stage of my life, the final resting place so to speak. I heavily doubt it. I can see to the next horizon and realize it may be quite different. Yet I hope to be continually growing in terms of integrity, understanding and service to others. However, this is where I need to be right now and I find it to be a gift beyond measure.
Blessings, G


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All Manner of Wheels Be Things
All Manner of Things Be Wheel by G A Rosenberg


Solar FlareSolar Flare by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Six of Swords

Six of Swords (Science / Objective Thought)



Six of SwordsSix of Swords (Revised by G A Rosenberg)


Sailing through dangers

We designed the fraught voyage

so we could triumph


The Ferryman

Mute, I watch your arrival
You climb onto my boat
unsure as you press this coin into my hand
You may smile or give a small laugh
but that stops when you notice
my eyes and my silence.

We start off
You seem surprised by the number of
rocks and debris in the water
You wonder about safety.
Oh Dear one
I know the way
as only one who has scraped
his bow on every single obstacle can
After awhile you start to know the signs
the childhood baggage, the failed marriages
Every time you denied the spark
in yourself (or in others)
they’re all here
and like I said
I know the way thoroughly

Though each route is different
I have known much the same
the odd twists and turns that obsession
and self-importance can place in one’s path
Intuition guides me through
the straits of old frustration
and intellect tells me
how deep they go.

You leave the boat
relieved of coin and burden
ready to survey your new landscape.
I push off.
You turn back to ask what they all do
but I am gone
Sailing. Home..
— G A Rosenberg


The suit of swords represents thought, ideas, plans and conflicts. Sixes represent balance and harmony. The energy of this card deals with healing from wounds, a guided journey away from where we were hurt to where we can heal and have perspective over what has caused the wounds in the first place. Once grief has been acknowledged than we can begin the journey away from what has hurt us (carrying the memories, the swords for the lessons we have learned, with us but in a way that is now harmless to us.)


Astrological Correspondence – Mercury in Aquarius – THe Mercury in Aquarius energy is one of both objective logic and intuitive understanding. This allows for an amazing ability to put problems in context and to be able to start to move past them. This form of thinking can often come into conflict with that of the status quo especially where being helpless in the face of problems has become more and more in vogue


I Ching Correspondence – 61) Chung Fu – “Inner Truth” –

____ ____
____ ____

The Trigram of the Wind is over that of the Lake.Visible effects of the invisible, The truth that lies within. Our “Truth” or our “Reality” as opposed to an objective truth. Not that the two don’t exist as a continuum, If truth exists (and I believe it does) then it is too great and expansive to be encompassed or fully comprehended by any one purpose or creed. Like the story of the six blind men who one day came across an elephant in the marketplace. One placed his hand on the leg and thought the elephant was like a tree, one touched the elephant’s ear and thought the elephant like a fan, one touched the elephant’s trunk and thought a snake, etc…Not one of them could believe that the entire elephant could be outside of their subjective experience..
The lines are closed at both ends yet open in the middle. This show an open heart , free of expectations..
Above gentleness and forbearance to those below,
Below joyous serving of those above…


When the Six of Swords turns up in a reading, it can mean that the time has come to take stock of a situation and look at it objectively and move onwards. It may also denote a time of healing and moving forwards. In its most literal sense it could mean a journey over water yet this depending on the other cards in the reading most likely will be in the context of leaving in order to heal. It may also mean that someone in the given situation is twisting their interpretation of problem to suit their own ends.


Reversed the Six of Swords can represent someone who either feels trapped in a situation or is trapped, unable to see where the escape route is. This could be because of rationalizations but it almost always signifies a need to take stoke of the situation and find some clarity. It can also represent something being offered that may seem like an escape route but will in truth only lead to greater problems.

Quote of the Day – March 16 2013

“We gaze continually at the world and it grows dull in our perceptions. Yet seen from another’s vantage point, as if new, it may still take the breath away.”
― Alan Moore


What is new?
What can I do as if I have never done it before?
I can type in my sleep (and indeed have)
but if I share the same insights
in the same way I have
then what have I accomplished?
When we meet new people do we
try to see as they see
with perspective made new ?
We change and challenge each other continuously
Let’s remake the universe together
even better
Blessings, G


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You Can't Hide
You Can’t Hide by Gary A Rosenberg


Radiant 2Radiant by G A Rosenberg





Quote of the Day – March 15 2013

“We seldom realize, for example that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own. For we think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society.”
― Alan Wilson Watts


How do we break away from societal conditioning or at least realize which ideas are our own and which are just rote learned responses? Meditation helps for sure but also self-examination. If I feel myself having a fast reaction to something whether it be someone asking for money in the street, someone expressing themselves loudly or in ways that I was raised to believe were pushy and rude I have started to watch my reaction (I used to try fighting my reactions, talk about a sucker’s game… better to bring them out and let them dissipate in the open air), let myself feel what I feel and then look at it and test it for integrity. Does this truly express my values or is it the part of me that is the conditioned robot?  It helps to remember that the idea is not to not be the robot but to be truly expressive of the self at all times.


On a different subject, today just as an experiment, on my Facebook status I asked people, “What is the most beautiful thing you see right now?” and received so many fantastic responses. Shared joy is increased! I loved the idea that just for one moment, no matter what was happening in their days and lives that whoever read it would look around them for beauty. For me at the moment, it was my son having a bit of a temper tantrum over delayed plans. I have been enjoying watching him individuate more and more (tho there are parts of it that drive me a bit nuts as well) . Easily tho the responses to my question made my day. I may be getting the hang of this social media thing and how it can be used to share meaning after all.


What is the most beautiful thing you have seen today?
Blessings, G


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Wondering if His Dreams Have Wings
Wondering If My Dreams Have Wings by G A Rosenberg


Green EggsGreen Eggs by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Six of Cups

Six of Cups (Pleasure / Happiness)


G`Six of Cups (Revised by G A Rosenberg


A beautiful moment

Memories that colour all

the future brightens


Natural Pleasures

Hold my hand and
Let me taste of your willingness
as we eagerly  explore inner and outer beings
The music starts
We take the first steps moving in rhythm to a dance
older than our souls,
a dance not performed with limbs
or tongue or organs but with our very beings,
Masculine and Feminine energies
combining within ourselves and each other
a love letter written from eternity
to that which always was.
– G A Rosenberg




The light reflects on the water
as our bodies reflect on each other
a coming together of elements
yearning for something new to come of it…
We may have met this way before
on this beach or another
in another time or existence
but every moment is NOW
and every beach this one
Fall into my body
as my spirit touches yours…..



Cups deal with our emotional nature including love, both that as in a relationship between two (and rarely more) people and that of friends and companions.Sixes represent balance and harmony. Mix balance and harmony with love and you end up with one of those magic moments. You know, the kind that you want to remember and take out and replay in your mind because you know it will help keep you going through the rough times. Love is and you are and the universe is right and good and nothing can take these moments away. Memories of them can heal you during the rough times. Knowing that they are possible can keep us going until the next one.


Astrological Correspondence – Sun in Scorpio – This energy involves powerful sensual feeling and transcendence, One of its symbols is the phoenix rising from its own ashes. The energy is passionate, sexual and consuming. Few things are as memorable as making passionate love with someone who has entered your heart. The Sun in Scorpio energy involves depth of experience and depth of learning and knowledge.

h4>I Ching Correspondence – 20) Kwan – Contemplating –

____ ____
____ ____
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____ ____

The Trigram of the Sun is over that of the Earth. It means both contemplative and being seen . The image is of a Vast Tower on a Mountain with a view of the countryside around It. From the Tower the ruler can be aware of both Heaven above and the people below and set an example for the people.
The time period that this hexagram is linked to is September-October where the dark is on the rise once more and the light subsides…
A couple of other images associated with this hexagram
The time in a ceremony in between when the ablution, ritual cleaning has been done, yet before the sacrifice has been made….(in a sexual context, the sexual act before climax (the rising and uniting of energies))
When the wind blows across the earth, the grass and trees etc, must give way before it…and it blows everywhere
When the owner or ruler pays a visit, everything is set in order to make the best impression possible.

When the Six of Cups turns up in a reading, it usually signifies an unusually happy time. The happiness of this period usually stems from a feeling of loving and being loved. This may have to do with past memories being rekindled tho it can also be a time for making new lasting memories depending on where the card falls in the reading and the other cards involved. This is a time that will be remembered for its feeling of peace and balance no matter how long it may last.


When the Six of Cups is reversed in a reading, it is possible that for various possible reasons, tho it is a happy period in our lives, we are unable to see it. It can refer to someone who is so focused on the future, that they forget to enjoy the present moment. The reversed Six of Cups may also refer to unpleasant associations from the past