Tarot Post – Magician


I – The Magician (Mercury ☿)


G`The Magician by G A Rosenberg


He wills to create

The magician lifts his wand

Energy flows through


Receiving the fire
and letting it flow through
using all the tools at hand
to create
on screen and off
according to my will
Soon something will exist
that wasn’t before
except in imagination
Letting manifestation happen
the more i open to it
the more if flows through
not so much a part of me
as coloured by my being
and by the power
that inspires.
–G A Rosenberg


The Fool falls and lands. Where before the Fool was whole with the potential to become everything, now polarization has happened. The Magician is male to the Priestess’ female and active to the Priestess’ passivity. One way of looking at the Major Arcana is the quest to reunify these two into a realized World / Universe at the end.
The Magician utilizes his will and channels spiritual energy into accomplishment. He uses all four elemental tools (The Wand, The Chalice, The Sword and The Disk) to aid in this.
Another way of saying this is that through his will uses the power of his spirt (wand, fire, spirit) his emotions (cup) and intellect and knowledge (Sword, remember that the Magician’s astrological attribute is Mercury which is connected to the mind) and his sexuality (pentacle) to effect changes in his environment.
Regarding the last, given that we manifest in the physical it could be said that the Magician’s most powerful tool is his staff (between his legs). This is also true of the Priestess also but until the Magician opens the way with his staff, it remains secret, then she becomes the Empress as her Nature becomes manifest.
For those who may be inclined to take the above statement too literally, remember that we each contain all the archetypes within us. Which means that we all have our own Magician, Priestess and Empress and all the others as well.
The Magician also represents the trickster archetype and teaches usually by tricking the student into learning what he or she needs to know. (Consider Merlin, Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan or Socrates in the Peaceful Warrior Books by Dan Millman.) In tricking others, tho it is quite possible that he will surprise himself with a lesson or two as well. One of his lessons is learning to discern whether his results are objective and tangible as opposed to subjective. Another is to use his powers in a way that is true to his authentic self as opposed to wasting his energies on whim.


Astrological Attribution: Mercury(☿) – Mercury’s energy is all about fast transmission and communication. It also relates to intellect and logic. In Greek mythology Mercury was the messenger of the gods, always in motion. Thus those who have a strong Mercury are likely to move swiftly from thing to thing to thing, going in, doing what they can and then move on to the next thing. Mercury also is related to the sensory impressions and the moment to moment intake of information.

Runic Correspondences – Mannaz(‘Mankind’)
Mannaz is the rune of thought and intellect. It has to do with using our energy for self-actualization through study and personal commitment. It encourages personal responsibility and that towards the rest of humankind and how we interact with the world.
Other Runes that have been connected with the Magician are Pa and Ansuz.


Path on the Tree of Life: Path 12 – Beth (‘House’) which links Kether (Crown) to Binah (Understanding) – If Path 11 involves manifestation than Path 12 involves the transmission of knowledge underlying manifestation. It is referred to as the intelligence of transparency.


When the Magician turns up in a reading it can mean that a time of great creativity and communication is at hand. We feel energized and can accomplish anything and that the things and people we need to help us will show up. Indeed quite often they will be caught up in our enthusiasm and be swept along. It is a time of inspiration and manifestation where we are able to impose our will on the world around us. The Magician tends to utilize and channel all in this process so when the reading refers to a relationship, it may be one where manipulation is present. A question that may come up when the Magician shows up in a reading is, “Who’s agenda is being followed? Who does the Magician represent in this situation?”
The Magician can also refer to a situation where we need greater focus and concentration. </h4?

When the Magician comes out reversed in a reading, it often means that we are blocked in some way. It is possible that we either don’t believe in what we are doing or that we don’t feel like we deserve the outcome that we are trying to manifest. The other cards in the reading may give an idea on what is blocking us. It may mean that we are repressing something that we need to take into account. This blockage may come from external sources as well. It may also mean that we are misusing our energies and imposing our will on others irrespective of what they may wish.

Tarot Post – The Fool


0 – The Fool (Air ⨺) (Uranus ♅)


The FoolThe Fool by G A Rosenberg


One small step…and off

Fall into a new cycle

Journey commences


I contain all, unexplored
everything shown and hidden
comes to zero
I fall and show myself
yet still my shadow falls with me
bringing me naught
The wind carries me
to new adventure
new traits and reactions manifest
yet others are left hidden
to emerge through testing
or saved till the next time
You may laugh at my motley
yet isn’t it my perogative
to make you smile at shadows
I make you uneasy
with my songs
but easily dismissed you go on
as I do,
just wait until you see what happens now…
— G A Rosenberg


Many people see the sequence of the Major Arcana as representing a journey towards self-actualization. This journey may be a physical one, a psychological one or a spiritual one. Following the Golden Dawn teachings, this journey starts with The Fool. The Fool’s number is 0 and as such he or she holds the potential for all things. The Fool is beyond duality and indeed one way of looking at the Major Arcana is as the journey back after the fall into duality (represented by the Magician and the High Priestess) and the reconciliation thereafter. The Fool is both seed and egg, representing the potential to be all. He / She is the hero of Joseph Campbell’s Hero cycle. We represent the Fool anytime we embark on a new phase of life especially ones where we leave our safety zones and enter the unknown. Consider Alice jumping down the rabbit hole or Jack about to climb the beanstalk. It is not accidental that so many of these metaphors seem somewhat Freudian. In adolescence we individuate from our families and awake to our own sexual identities, almost a literal fall to adulthood.
Above everything else this breaking away and embarking on our own adventure is exhilarating as it is frightening. Jack joyfully climbs the beanstalk as Alice slides down the rabbit hole as Dorothy travels to Oz. They maintain their curiosity, their nerve, their instincts and their intelligence.
In typical depictions of the Fool, he has his belongings tied onto a staff he carries representing the qualities he brings into the adventure. In my version, the guitar symbolizes exactly that. The dog barking at his feet represents the Fool’s instincts and intuition which help guide him or her along their way.


Astrological Attribution : Planet:Uranus (Element of Air) When the tarot was first popularized, the only planetary attributes that were used were the Sun, Moon and the five classical planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn). Uranus was not discovered until 1781. This was followed by the discovery of Neptune in 1846 and Pluto in 1930. Originally The Fool, The Hanged Man and Judgement were said to be ruled by the elements of Air, Water and Fire respectively while the World had both the planet Saturn and the element of Earth attributed to it.
Air is the element of thought and any undertaking begins with an idea. We wish to learn something or find out what will happen when try something and we do it. Often this requires a leap of the imagination if not faith. Air is the element of Spring and of all new beginnings and starts.
Uranus is often called the ‘awakener’ astrologically there can be many startling changes in whatever area of our chart Uranus is travelling through at the time. The influence of Uranus is innovative, intuitive and inventive and encourages us to use the talents we have in ways we had never thought of before.



Astrological Attribution : Planet:Uranus (Element of Air) When the tarot was first popularized, the only planetary attributes that were used were the Sun, Moon and the five classical planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn). Uranus was not discovered until 1781. This was followed by the discovery of Neptune in 1846 and Pluto in 1930. Originally The Fool, The Hanged Man and Judgement were said to be ruled by the elements of Air, Water and Fire respectively while the World had both the planet Saturn and the element of Earth attributed to it.
Air is the element of thought and any undertaking begins with an idea. We wish to learn something or find out what will happen when try something and we do it. Often this requires a leap of the imagination if not faith. Air is the element of Spring and of all new beginnings and starts.
Uranus is often called the ‘awakener’ astrologically there can be many startling changes in whatever area of our chart Uranus is travelling through at the time. The influence of Uranus is innovative, intuitive and inventive and encourages us to use the talents we have in ways we had never thought of before.


Runic Correspondence: Note on correspondences : These are given more as a matter of contemplation. When comparing two very different systems of divination and classification such as the tarot and either the I Ching or the Runes we can see definite resonances but seldom is there a one to one correspondence. I believe that as long As long as you realize that two things are not necessarily equal than only benefit can come from examining one in the light of the other and thus I include them. I strongly recommend that those who have an interest meditate and form their own correspondence before using two different systems in alignment with each other.


Of the Runes that various people associate with the Fool, the one that I believe matches closest is Wunjo (also called Wynn). The meaning of this is ‘harmonizing joy’, which is definitely that elation the Fool feels at the start of his journey. The implications of Wunjo are those of success and even when the grand undertaking of the Fool does not meet with the expected outcome, success accrues in the experiences of the adventure. Wunjo or wynn also has associations of wind and air and its ability to get inside and through all things.

Path on the Tree of Life – Path 11 – Aleph (‘Ox’) linking Kether and Chokmah. If the first path on the tree of life Kether is the point that contains all within itself, and Chokmah is the first manifestation of that point then the path that links them is the very act of manifesting. It is a joyful awareness of everything that may flow through without any value judgements ascribed.


When the Fool turns up in a reading it is often an indication that we cannot reason ourselves out of our current state. Instead, we need to trust the adventure and our instincts and jump. It may indicate that we have embarked on a new stage of life and we need to go with it in a spirit of openness and joy. The Fool tells us to trust our heart and let go of fear based thinking. It is possible that the Fool is cautioning us against reckless behaviour and telling us that we are close to ‘falling off a cliff’. Usually we seldom come that close to disaster without feeling it on some level so once again the Fool is telling us to trust those instincts.


The reversed Fool quite often tells us we need to reason things out more than we have and that our actions of late may have been a bit foolhardy. It may indicate that in pursuing our own path we may have been inconsiderate and neglectful of those around us. It may also be an indication that we need to connect more with our inner self.

Random Thoughts, Images and a Bit of Card Play

“People think that talking is a sign of thinking. It isn’t, for the most part’ on the contrary, it’s a mechanical dodge of the body to relieve oneself of the strain of thinking, just as exercising the muscles helps the body to become temporarily unconscious of its weight, its pain, its weariness, and the foreknowledge of its doom.”
― Aleister Crowley


When strangeness beckons
I continue on my way
My purpose is strong.


Click on images to see full-sized:


IntentIntent by G A Rosenberg


I was asked by a friend tonight about the difference between the Chariot trump and the Temperance trump in the tarot.

The Chariot in the Tarot refers to control of the externals among other things where Temperance is more of a matter of Balance
so if you want it in nice simple terms Control vs Balance
THo if you place the cards in the manner of contemplation suggested by both Pollack and DuQuette of 3 rows of Seven underneath the Fool then what you end up with is that Temperance is a higher octave of The Chariot

if you think of the first row as conscious
the second as subconscious
the third as superconscious (just one of many different ways to contemplate the cards) then the Chariot reflects external conscious balance and control while Temperance would mean that balance on an internal level (the qualities of oneself vs the qualities of one’s life) if you would
To put it in simple terms… what is the chariot driver doing on the card? What is the Temperance Angel doing? There is a vital difference there
The next octave up would be the World or the Universe
so Control, Balance, Integration
Taking the three cards right before those three, The Lovers Death and Judgement yield further insight.
Consider for short hand meanings in this context,Love, Death and Resurrection
or if you will, Recognition, Transformation, Resurrection
if you want more of an explanation… then Lovers is the first recognition of one’s shadow or other… Death is the ego death when we realize that we can’t exist without our shadow and Judgement is the call to integration that is realized in the World
if you want to storyline it a bit because its rather cool… then in the Lovers we recognize the other, our first instinct is to control it The Chariot
after we’ve gone through the stages of the second row… we realize that we need to transform which leads to us starting to experience different parts of our shadow… (Temperance)
after we’ve gone through Chapel Perlious then we are called (Judgement) tp integrate fully The World.


I realize that this blog entry is a bit more chaotic then most. Chalk it down to a combination of dancing with the flu,computer problems, a tarot conversation that helped me expand my own insight that I wanted to share and just because. As always, I hope some enjoyment was found in it.
Blessings, G

Porthole View onto A New UniversePortal View onto A New Universe by G A Rosenberg

Tarot Post – Page of Pentacles


Page of Pentacles (Earth of Earth)


Page of PentaclesPage of Pentacles by G A Rosenberg


The seed is planted.
Youth believes it can become
almost anything.


I found a giant seed
so colourful, its texture
smooth here, rough there
I study it fascinated
I will nurture the plant
that grows, learning how
to tend to its needs
as I learn to tend to mine
I will embody its strength
and will to manifest
as we both become what we may
a seed sprouting
into a mighty presence.


Note: As with all of the court cards, tho I may use the male pronoun, the card can easily refer to either male or female.


The suit of Pentacles refers to the element of Earth and of practical matters such as money and partnerships both of a business nature and of the home. They can also represent nature, the Earth itself as well as our bodies. Pages (or Princesses as they are called in many decks) represent the grounding or emergence of the energy involved. The Page of Pentacles encounters his own nature, both sensual and as part of the world. He studies the disk, open to all its lessons and wishing to learn everything he can to prepare himself for everything the world has to offer. At this stage the possibilities are endless for anyone truly open and there is awareness that the more preparation and knowledge (whether it is experiential, intuitive or learned) he has the more of his potential he can realize. He senses his own endless potential and seed-like nature. He dreams of what may come from his studies and encounters and knows that he can manifest anything of which he dreams.


I Ching Correspondence – 52) Kên – Keeping Still

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The Trigram of the Mountain is doubled. There is an incredible stillness to Mountains yet all form of activity may be happening below the surface and eventually life may manifest abundantly upon it. This hexagram speaks a lot about learning one’s own nature before having greater involvement with the outside world. It is an influence of meditation and study. It also speaks of seeing everything new as if it were the first time it was encountered. When we see things in this way then we free ourselves from preconceptions and are more open to the present moment.


When the Page of Pentacles turns up in a reading, we may have started a new course of study or apprenticeship that we are excited about. It is a time of learning and of growth. It may also be a time when we need to still ourselves and discover new potentials within. It is a time of taking the first steps towards realizing the plans and dreams that we’ve carried within.The Page of Pentacles may represent a young person, somewhat dreamy who has a particular area that they wish to learn more about. The Page of Pentacles may also mean positive news on the financial front. It may also mean that the time has come to start actualizing the potential that we’ve held in check.


The reversed Page of Pentacles may mean that we feel blocked in the manifestation of our plans. It may mean that we have not yet put forth the work needed to actualize our dreams. It can also refer to to much of a focus on short term enjoyment of things rather than making future plans. The Page of Pentacles can also be telling us that we have completed our course of study and now we are ready for a break.

Tarot Post – Prince of Pentacles


Prince / Knight of Pentacles (Air of Earth)


Prince of PentaclesPrince of Pentacles by G A Rosenberg


The land’s protector
shows us all life is sacred.
We can live in peace.


Step by step
I carry on.
I know my path
and I will see it through
This routine is
but one step
and I can see the top.
I’ll follow as
so many have
this road to my future
Let others dream
but they count on me
to be steady
as they cannot.
They fall by the wayside
where I cannot be stopped
When i reach my destination
I will be the one they ask
for I stayed true.


The suit of Pentacles refers to the element of Earth and of practical matters such as money and partnerships both of a business nature and of the home. They can also represent nature, the Earth itself as well as our bodies. Princes deal with the transmission and the endurance of the energy, the result of the union of the King’s Force and the Queen’s generative and nurturing of the energy. When it comes to practical matters, the Prince of Pentacles is the “go to” member of the court cards. He can follow a game plan and will get it done. He does not like thinking abstractly and probably will become quite irritated if you try to engage him in intellectual conversation yet if you contracted him to paint your house or fix your car or any one of a number of day to day matters, he will follow through on it and get the job done. It may feel at times as if he is too cautious and methodical but that is because in his mind, if he is going to do something, he is going to do it right. He can be quite stubborn but in general tends to be fairly easy-going. Tho when he does lose his temper, it is best to get out of the way. He loves nature and is at his best when he can be out in open spaces.


Astrological Correspondence: 21° Aries – 20° Taurus Elemental: Air of Earth-
This energy combines the Aries drive and push with Taurus caution and practicality which moves people forward but at a very slow steady pace. Those with this energy tend to love to learn new things and put what they have learned to use. They tend to be friendly and outgoing and love to be helpful in practical matters. They have very strong wills and won’t back down easily. They know how to have fun and they have a strong taste for life’s pleasures. They are highly success motivated and a strong desire to enjoy the things that money can buy.


I Ching Correspondence – 53) Chien – Gradual Progress / Development –

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The trigram for Wood is over that of the Mountain. When a tree grows, it influences all the life surrounding it. It does not sprout up and send out roots overnight but does it over time gradually. When we wish to accomplish something, it is best to proceed gradually as opposed to a lot of short starts and stops. Perseverance and patience are also needed as when things progress slowly but steadily, its all too easy to let them fall by the wayside if progress is not immediately recognized. </h4?

When the Prince of Pentacles comes up in a reading, it may be telling us that is time to be practical and not to rush into anything as tempting as it may be. The card may also represent someone in our lives who can help us accomplish something of great practical use. He knows how to work hard and get things done but always remembers to have fun and enjoy life afterwards. The Prince of Pentacles may also be telling us that it is time to ground ourselves by getting out in nature. Another meaning can be that it is time to find more appreciation and enjoyment in our lives and the paths we have chosen.


The Prince of Pentacles reversed in a reading may indicate that things have grown stale for us and that we crave something that will break us out of our routine. A project that we have been working on may have come to a standstill and we need some impetus to get it moving again. There may also be a need for thinking outside the box a bit and having more flexibility. The reversed Prince of Pentacles may also refer to someone in our lives who cannot move beyond their fixed view of things. The card may also mean someone may have become over-indulgent, more focused on partying than getting the job done.

Tarot Post – Queen of Pentacles


Queen of Pentacles (Water of Earth)


Queen of PentaclesQueen of Pentacles by G A Rosenberg


Lady of the maize
Everything is born from you
Centred Creation


Mother’s love nourishes the seed
and feed us so we can thrive
She provides our needs
and dreams of better lives


Joy in life she teaches
she guides us in the dance
We her children know of love
we’ve seen in it in her glance


Her heart provides her knowledge
More than book or class ever could
Her dreams have taught her what she needs
to guide us through her woods


Lift your cup and toast her well
our mother of the Earth
She has seen and loved it all
and has shown us its worth.



The suit of Pentacles refers to the element of Earth and of practical matters such as money and partnerships both of a business nature and of the home. They can also represent nature, the Earth itself as well as our bodies. Queens are the receptive and nurturing form of the energy.The Queen of Pentacles cares and nurtures life and has a strong maternal nature. She is sensual and lush, intuitive and instinctive and has a strong connection with the Earth and is best when surrounded by nature. She loves to provide sustenance for others and is usually known for her cooking skills. She tends not to be intellectual or well-read but she has never found that a lack as she knows what she needs to know when she needs it. The Queen of Pentacles tends to be reflective, ever bringing the internal outward to best take care of the life around her.


Astrological Correspondence – Astrological Correspondence: 21° Sagittarius – 20° Capricorn Elemental: Water of Earth- The energy here becomes a mix of Sagittarius intuition and creativity with Capricorn’s warmth, power and stoicism. The people represented by this energy are loyal and dependable and give everything they can to provide for others. Their advice tends to be more of a practical rather than an intellectual nature.They may become depleted at times especially when they are out of their natural element or when their bounty is taken for granted with no appreciation returned. When their gifts are acknowledged and appreciated they become a constant cornucopia of sustenance and support.


I Ching Correspondence – 31) Hsien – Influence / Wooing –

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The Trigram of the Lake is over that of the Mountain. The water of the lake is quieted and serene by the influence of the mountain. In turn, the moisture of the lake sustains the mountain causing life to spread and expand. It is a constant meditative mutual seduction. This hexagram speaks of having a calm still nature within and a joyous happy exterior. It cautions us to hold onto our still centre when we deal with others and not let any influence slip by which seeks to alter our own true selves. It may not be the fault of the person influencing as they may be acting according to their will or being but the combination may not be a good one.


Quite often when the Queen of Pentacles turns up in a reading, she represents someone who has cared and provided for us in ways that we were not able to do for ourselves. She has a loving caring nature and a strong creative element and is very helpful. This care is freely given. She may also be very sensual and somewhat indulgent with a wonderful sense of humour. It may also represent a time when we are providing for others and are enjoying and appreciating our ability to be of use. The card may be telling us that things are going well in our lives and that we have few wants and to recognize the nurturing of others that have brought us here. This card upright almost always represents a time of enjoyment and well-being.


The Reversed Queen of Pentacles may refer to someone who feels that they are out of their element and are not sure how to proceed. They lack confidence in the given situation and may need to be reminded of what their strengths are and how to utilize them in the situation. This card may also refer to us feeling this way and be suggesting that we connect more with our true selves to see whether this is indeed the right situation for us to be in. It may represent a time when we need to get into nature to ground ourselves. The card may also refer to a time when we have been spending so much time caring for others that we have neglected our own health and or home environment

Tarot Post – King of Pentacles


King of Pentacles (Fire of Earth)


KIng of Pentacles (N)King of Pentacles (Revision) by G A Rosenberg


Wise leader of men
You teach us to tend the earth
Who can know your heart?


Welcome to my home
Surrounded by woods
we can walk in nature
with no neighbours to disturb us
Yes my garden is beautiful
and the landscaping the best.
They work hard
as I have
to get where I am.
Oh luck has been there as well
but I’ve played the game well.
Come inside! Enjoy!
That’s what its all there for.
Can you make our guest a drink?
Sit down and relax
Now hold a minute while I take this call.
— G A Rosenberg


The suit of Pentacles refers to the element of Earth and of practical matters such as money and partnerships both of a business nature and of the home. They can also represent nature, the Earth itself as well as our bodies. Kings are the leaders, the shakers, the initiatory force or person that get things moving. The King of Pentacles is a provider and source of the material. He is the patriarchal businessman who has achieved his success and now wants to help others do the same. He is solid and stable and very aware of both what he has and how he got it. He has weathered many storms and has shown courage in the face of adversity and yet his adventures have mainly been in the business arena. He has social position and wields it in a very relaxed fashion.
The King of Pentacles knows how to enjoy and take pleasure in what he has rather than feeling the need to explore things in depth. He enjoys nature and the outdoors tho he is more for walking in his fields and gardens rather than exploring paths unseen. He is generous of spirit yet finds pleasure in his interior life without the need to go deeper into that as well. He is at his worst when frustrated in his desires to rise to his natural place.


Astrological Correspondence – Astrological Correspondence: 21° Leo – 20° Virgo Elemental: Fire of Earth – Mixes the self-confidence and leadership drive of the third decan Leo with the generosity, discipline, and focus of the first two decans of Virgo and success is almost inevitable. People who are influence by this energy are at their best once they have achieved this success wielding in a very natural fashion the discipline and charisma that got them there. They are fantastic organizers and care for people around them both in the general philanthropic sense but also on the one-to-one level. They may be late-bloomers tho they utilize everything that they have encountered on the way to bring them to the top.


I Ching Correspondence – 62) Hsiao Kwo – Preponderance of the Small –

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The Trigram for Thunder is over that of the Mountain. — Thunder is louder when it is in the mountains as the sound echoes and more focus and attention on detail is needed to avoid landslides and lightning. This Hexagram recommends that success comes when attention is focused on details rather than on large grandiose stunts. There is a hint in here of the story of Icarus who with his wax wings attempted to fly into the sun only to have them melt. The flight itself was an amazing success. Thus if the focus is on step by step achievement of what is possible than success is sure to follow. With attention to right action at the right time, everything is possible.


The King of Pentacles in a reading may often signify someone in a position of power who can help us either financially or with strong practical advice. This person may be found either in the board room or out in nature. He may be someone who is remote or difficult to know but who can be counted on. The card may also mean that play time is over and it is time to attend to practical matters in a detailed and disciplined way. The King of Cups may also mean it is time to enjoy our carnal sensuous side more, almost in a work hard and play hard kind of way. The card often refers to a need to find more enjoyment in every area of our lives as what we enjoy and pay attention to thrives.


The King of Pentacles reversed may indicate someone who feels inaccessible to us whom we were counting on to help. It may represent either someone who is thwarted in their ambitions and has become bitter and resentful or may represent this quality in ourselves. The reversed King of Pentacles may refer to someone who has developed a drinking problem. It may also refer to someone who’s empathy is too deep and has given way to despair.

Tarot Post – Page of Swords


Page / Princess of Swords (Earth of Air)


Page of SwordsPage of Swords (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


“Teach me” the child said.
I explained a new idea
He then made it real.


I’m going to make it happen
No one has thought of this before
It seems so obvious
and it’s up to me
to make it real.
I am watchful
Ain’t nobody can take away
an idea who’s time has come.
From me it will spread to others
until it lives and breathes
on its own.
I know I can do this
and I will not be stopped.
For so long unnoticed
I’ve watched them all
of what their lives have become
and how cheaply they’ve been sold
Now my plan will carry them.
Whatever it takes
This is happening.


The suit of Swords represents thought, ideas, plans and conflicts.Pages (or Princesses as they are called in many decks) represent the grounding or emergence of the energy involved. What happens when a new idea is born into the world full blown like Minerva, the goddess of wisdom in Greek mythology springing from the forehead of Zeus? There is a thrill of discovery and great enthusiasm to make it a reality. We want everyone to understand and utilize this new thought of ours. We become watchful, ready to take on any challenges or objections that may arise on the way to making our new thought a reality. We may also find ourselves vigilant to make sure someone else doesn’t come along and do it wrong. We move quickly because who knows how long our energy may last or whether we are equal to the task?
The Page of Swords is perceptive and intuitive and full of flashes of insight that he feels the need to make manifest. He may lack the maturity to make it happen however. He may at his worse have trouble finding the right words to express all that he has to say. He may be over-defensive and may find himself answering challenges with way too much contempt for those whom he feels just do not get it.


I Ching Correspondence – 18) Ku – Decay / Repair

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The trigram of the Mountain is over that of Wind. Air trapped inside a mountain range stagnates and there may be a need of a fresh breeze. When any process has gone on too long in the same way it stagnates. Ideas that were innovative in their time give way to expediency and stagnation. Unwatched, even ideals that have led to freedom may have in their turn become even more imprisoning. There arises a constant need to weed out old ideas that no longer serve us and lock us into patterns of behaviour that have grown destructive. It helps us to be open to new viewpoints and paradigms that we can test and adapt. In this way we can continue to grow and evolve.


When the Page of Swords turns up in a reading it often has to do with the need to speak our truth even though we may expect opposition. It may refer to a younger person in our environment who is bright and perceptive but who may be dismissed because of their youth. The card may also refer to news which we may resist because it has the potential to shake up our comfortable lives. The Page of Swords may also refer to someone who has taken an interest in our lives and is trying to learn more about us. It may also be telling us to clear our minds and consider our approach before we try to communicate our ideas.


The reversed Page of Swords may be telling us that we have become too hyper-vigilant and that we are jumping at shadows, seeing opposition everywhere. Too often there is a tendency to use perceived obstacles as an excuse to not move ahead in our lives. It may also be telling us that we or someone in our environment is either talking or acting without thinking things through. The card may also indicate that we have become too fearful of expressing ourselves either because we have not thought things through first or because we are unprepared.

Tarot Post – Prince of Swords


Prince / Knight of Swords (Air of Air)


Prince of SwordsPrince of Swords by G A Rosenberg


Mercurial Knight
Ready to fight with words or sword
takes on all comers


Oh yeah?
Well what about..?
I see how you can say that
but have you considered this?
There is no idea you can propose
in any direction
that I cannot conquer
Go ahead
Challenge me in any way
I can win any contest
but empathy
What use is that?
I have the life of the mind
which is a higher pursuit
Your feelings are almost
as meaningless as my own.
Don’t make me feel
This has gone on long enough
I never stay long
especially when people prattle
about things like pain or love
On to the next match.


The suit of Swords represents thought, ideas, plans and conflicts. Princes deal with the transmission and the endurance of the energy, the result of the union of the King’s Force and the Queen’s generative and nurturing of the energy. The Prince of Swords is ready to engage and discuss any viewpoint and show others exactly how they’ve gotten it wrong. He is courageous ever willing to charge into the fray to fight for what is right. He tends to put such a great amount of force into every action that he may lack staying power after the initial thrusts. He is often unaware of the affect his words and actions may have on others and can become quite puzzled when something he has said or done to champion his current cause or argument has hurt his ‘opponent’. After all was he not in fact cutting through their misapprehension and showing them the error of their ways?
In his mind they should be thanking him. But then the Prince of Swords not wishing to deal with his own emotional nature can be quite blind to the emotions of others.


Astrological Correspondence: 21° Capricorn – 20° Aquarius Elemental: Air of Air – Combine the ambition and accomplishment ethic of Capricorn with the creative intellectual and communicative abilities of Capricorn and you have someone who can intellectually convince anyone of anything. They are witty and argumentative and intensely competitive. For them winning may become everything and since they are not burdened with an excess of empathy how they play the game may be somewhat less important. This is somewhat modified by the fact that they do have an acute intellectual understanding of ethical considerations.


I Ching Correspondence: 57)Xun – Proceeding Humbly-

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This hexagram is comprised by the trigram for the Wind being doubled. The breeze when it gently persists offers the most pleasant of weather. Often victory can be had by constant and easy persuasion rather than running roughshod over everything in our path. When we can learn to tailor our path so that it penetrates and encompasses the paths of those we come across then we can win them to our point of view. In this way with humility we help them feel understood even tho we may disagree with them.


When the Prince of Swords turns up in a reading, it may mean that we are feeling criticized or critiqued in our lives at present. Someone is challenging us directly in a fairly blunt way. Do we accept their criticism, testing it against our own perceptions in an open way or do we fight back. The Prince of Swords suggests that it is best to face this criticism head on in a non-arrogant way, explaining our point of view gently but firmly. The card may also mean that we have been too passive in the face of criticism, allowing others to manipulate us by making us feel inadequate. The Prince of Swords may also be suggesting that we have been too critical of others and running roughshod over their feelings. The card may also mean depending on its placement that there is bad news in the offering.


The Prince of Swords reversed may represent someone who charges all over the place, looking for conflict and dragging others into it. He (or she) may be highly manipulative of others using their own emotional natures against them. He leaps without ever looking and charges headlong into situations like a bull in a china shop rather than using any forethought or perception. It may represent a relationship ending in an abrupt surprising way. The card may mean that it is time to go it alone for awhile m taking stock of where we are in our lives at this time. This card reversed may also indicate delays in travels. The reversed Prince of Swords may also represent someone untrustworthy who has entered into our lives.


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Tarot Post – Queen of Swords


Queen of Swords (Water of Air)


Queen of SwordsQueen of Swords (Revised) by G A Rosenberg


She looked right through me
Could any please her sharp gaze?
When would sad eyes shine?


I first saw her
seated on her throne
clothed only in starlight
Lured by a beauty
that can only be experienced
I approached
At that moment
not only did I loose my heart to her service
but everything until then I
believed myself to be
Nothing did I hold back
and nothing did she leave me
as with the sword of her regard
she began to slice
everything false in my existence
As I dissolve
I cry out
in exquisite being / not
spiritual discorporation.
With her I remain
and continue on…
— G A Rosenberg


The suit of Swords represents thought, ideas, plans and conflicts.Queens are the receptive and nurturing form of the energy. The Queen of Swords combines pain and the wisdom that results from it. She has faced the conflicts and heartaches that life has had to offer and come through it with understanding. She is cutting and she does not suffer fools gladly. She gives very good advice borne out of both experience and a keen perception that pierces through the smoke screens that others have thrown up. The Queen of Swords is also very much her own person. She has little fear of standing out in a crowd and anyone who dares criticize will find themselves quickly cut down by the sharpness of her tongue. Despite her somewhat sarcastic wit, there is a usually a graciousness about the Queen of Swords as if yes she sees our drawbacks but knows what it is to overcome them as well. Only at her worst does the Queen of Swords lose this forbearance and understanding and descend to bitterness.


Astrological Correspondence: 21° Virgo – 20° Libra Elemental: Water of Air – Virgo’s practicality and awareness and Libra’s love of beauty combine to give this individual a strong sense of appreciation of the aesthetic. They are able to perceive what is worthwhile in everybody and go out of their way to elicit it. They are very helpful and self aware to a fault and find themselves wounded often when either their regard is not returned or when their humour and help are unappreciated. These individuals tend to be very charismatic and attractive tho they tend to take on the problems of others way too easily and may take life too seriously a good deal of the time.


I Ching Correspondence: 28) Ta Kao – Preponderance of the Great –

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The Trigram of the Lake is over that of Wood – This hexagram talks about times when things feel out of balance and we must stand apart from the world and recommends the attitudes to have during these times. The Tree (Wood) stands tall even when it is solitary and the lake stands in joyous (another name for the trigram Tui is joyousness) reflection whether there is someone to enjoy it or not. Likewise when we feel that the world has become too much for us, we need to contain both that steadfastness and belief in ourselves as well as the inner joyousness of the lake. How much better it is to realize our need for solitude and to embody those qualities rather than having to retreat depressed and bitter?


When the Queen of Swords shows up in a reading, it might mean that it is time for us to express what we see in an honest and clear fashion rather than beating around the bush. It may also refer to someone in our environment who is that blunt and forthright. She (or he) may seem unfeeling but in reality she sees that we have been sugarcoating things for way too long. Indeed not only does she feel but she feels deeply and this has given her the insight to see into the heart of the matter. The Queen of Swords knows what its like to be hurt and to come through it healed but scarred. What have we learned from our wounds? How have we come through them?
The Queen of Swords may also either a need to withdraw emotionally from the situation or someone who is doing so in our environment.


The Queen of Swords reversed can be someone who has been hurt by life and is very very bitter. She (or he) may tear down everything in their environment because they wish the world to feel the pain that they are feeling. Alternatively they may carry it all inside and poison themselves from the inside (this often expresses as many different degenerative illnesses). This card can also represent someone who is overwhelmed by past sorrow and can not bring themselves to enjoy the present moment.


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